benschwarz / bonsai

A tiny static web site generator
MIT License
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Bonsai is a static web site generator, it uses the best tools available for site construction and adheres to best web practices.

What it does

Getting started

Type bonsai --help for any help with commands


Development server

Unlike other static generators, bonsai provides you with a built in web server. Once you've generated the necessary files (generator included) you can simply start developing. Type bonsai --cultivate in the root of the generated site, a web server (rack, with thin) will start up.

It will also watch for when you save files - taking care of processing your sass files - kind of like autotest.

Production server

This is the cool part. Drop a bonsai generated site under pretty much anything. Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd - I don't care.

The generator will provide you with a .htaccess file that will turn on gzip/deflate compression for static assets as well as set long standing http caching timestamps and etags.


Ruby implementations

Bonsai runs under a number of Ruby implementations, MRI (1.8.7, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3), RBX (1.8 mode), JRuby (1.8 mode, 1.9 mode). Check travis to see the specifics.

Have you used this for a real job?

Yes. I built (and content filled) a web site with around 160 pages in 5 days.

When I found something that didn't quite work, was too slow or perhaps not even possible I wrote a spec and implemented it later. Better software from real requirements. (I used every feature I implemented)




Note on Patches/Pull Requests


Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Schwarz. See LICENSE for details.