benschwarz / bonsai

A tiny static web site generator
MIT License
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Mixin library support? #27

Open iNerdier opened 12 years ago

iNerdier commented 12 years ago

This is more of a suggestion for a feature I guess than an issue.

I've started out using Bonsai but have quickly realised that I want to be able to add some sass mixins to make life a little bit easier when working with cross browser compatibility.

The most commonly used library for doing this is Compass but a new and possibly sexier upcoming one called Bourbon is another alternative. Like most things here there are probably another ten that exist and I've never heard of.

What I'm asking is, would it be possible to have some way of using one of these things without totally skewing Bonsai to one really specific niche? Both of the ones I've mentioned come in a gem form so I wonder if it might be possible to have some optional way of including them, so people can choose to use them or not, or if there's some way that one could specify a flag for the development server that might let you use their files.