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Open TOC by default #84

Closed marchbox closed 7 years ago

marchbox commented 10 years ago

I found that in 100% times when I come to a section page, I click on “In this section…” button first to find the element I need. Do you have data on how frequent has the button been used? If it’s high, it’ll be worth just opening it by default.

benschwarz commented 10 years ago

I think that'd be a great thing to get some stats on. Perhaps it doesn't need to be closed at all. Or… perhaps we can just change it. What do you think @marchbox?

benschwarz commented 8 years ago

Should be opened by default

domenic commented 7 years ago

Good news! We've revamped the developer's edition and now it syncs automatically with the source spec. It's at a new URL, (We are working to set up a redirect.)

In the new version, the "mini TOC" in each page is indeed open all the time. We're wondering if it even is a good idea to allow it to be collapsed. If you have any feedback on that, please let us know over on the HTML Standard issue tracker: