benson00077 / dag_graph

playing around with DAG
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Bootstraped with npx create-react-app
App run with npm start
SCSS setting with npm install scss-loader node-scss --save-dev
DAG datastructure inspired by here


see demo here

Give vertex name and it's incomming/outgoing vertices' name, to get the graph (DAG, or Directedd Acyclic Graph) that show the direction flow

Features to build

Features Problems note
To support many times of vertices creation state lost after re-input form done -- by hoisting state
SVG direction arrow render not in right place fixxed -- by CSS position absolute and parent's node's position relative
drag-and-drop on vertex and svg arrow 1.svg arrow not drag-and-drop with divs 1. DrawGraph.js useRef
→ forward down to DrawArrow.js, which render JSX
→ forward that arrows ref to DrawVertex.js
→ access arrows ref DOMin DrawVertex.js
2.vertex move randomly when dragging See Issue2
REMEMBER: setState works like asynchronous function SeeMore
3.add vertex and the dragged ones go back to default place See Issue4's 問題一 & 問題三
4.Back 2 default graph btn and then drag -- leads to misplacement TBD: isDefaultGraph to be contextAPI, passed to useDrag. So that dragging on defaultGraph would re-init previous dragged position state
Throw ERROR when cycle DAG

(參考) DAG 物件實例 graph

Directedd Acyclic Graph
│  (index)  │    name     │                 incoming                  │         incomingNames          │ hasOutgoing │ value │
│  Benson   │  'Benson'   │     { Ben: [Object], Eva: [Object] }      │        [ 'Ben', 'Eva' ]        │    true     │ null  │
│   Alice   │   'Alice'   │           { Benson: [Object] }            │          [ 'Benson' ]          │    true     │ null  │
│ Catherine │ 'Catherine' │                 [Object]                  │ [ 'Alice', 'Benson', 'Flora' ] │    true     │ null  │
│    Ben    │    'Ben'    │                    {}                     │               []               │    true     │ null  │
│   David   │   'David'   │ { Benson: [Object], Catherine: [Object] } │   [ 'Benson', 'Catherine' ]    │    false    │ null  │
│    Eva    │    'Eva'    │                    {}                     │               []               │    true     │ null  │
│  George   │  'George'   │          { Catherine: [Object] }          │        [ 'Catherine' ]         │    false    │ null  │
│   Flora   │   'Flora'   │                    {}                     │               []               │    true     │ null  │
│  (index)  │ Values │
│  George   │   0    │
│   David   │   0    │
│ Catherine │   1    │
│   Flora   │   2    │
│   Alice   │   2    │
│  Benson   │   3    │
│    Eva    │   4    │
│    Ben    │   4    │