bently0602 / GWT-2.7

GWT 2.7 with Designer Fixes(Hacks)
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GWT 2.7 Designer Hack Fix

If you want a prebuilt SDK grab the file in the root of the repo. It was built without Elemental support.

See here for inclusions from the 2.6.1 patch:

And in addtion to the changes from the above patch the following were modified:

OS X Build Notes

svn checkout tools
git clone release/2.7

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/libexec/java_home"
export GWT_TOOLS="/repos/gwt-tools"


Windows Build Notes

# My GWT 2.7 Source directory looks like the following
# /GWT2.7
# /GWT2.7/apache-ant-1.9.4 
# /GWT2.7/GWT-2.7
# /GWT2.7/tools

# /GWT2.7/GWT-2.7 is the release/2.7 tag

# git and svn need to be in path

svn checkout tools
git clone release/2.7

# point to the tools svn checkout repo
$env:GWT_TOOLS = "C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\GitHub\GWT2.7\tools"
$env:JAVA_HOME = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31"
cd ".\GWT-2.7"

# from GWT-2.7 Directory
..\apache-ant-1.9.4\bin\ant [clean]


GWT is the official open source project for GWT releases 2.5 and onwards.

In this document you have some quick instructions to build the SDK from source code and to run its tests.

For a more detailed documentation visit our web site. If you are interested in contributing with the project, please read the Making GWT better section.

Building the GWT SDK:

How to verify GWT code conventions:

How to run GWT tests
