benwinding / pdfstamp

A cli tool to stamp PDF's, using (ImageMagick and pdftk)
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Easily add image signatures like signature.png to an existing pdf.


Get Started

  1. Install this tool using: npm i -g pdfstamp.
  2. You need both: (ImageMagick and pdftk) Run pdfstamp doctor to see if you have them!


Usage: pdfstamp [options] [command]

  -h, --help       display help for command

  doctor           Checks to make sure your dependencies are installed
  stamp [options]  Stamps the pdf document
  help [command]   display help for command

Using as a JS lib

import { stamp } from 'pdfstamp';

async function StampThat() {
  await stamp({
    signature: './signature.png',
    input: './sample.pdf',
    output: './output-example-lib.pdf'


Usage: pdfstamp stamp [options]

Stamps the pdf document

  -i, --input <inputPdfPath>       Input document, e.g: file.pdf
  -s, --signature <signaturePath>  Signature file, e.g: signature.png
  -p, --page <pageNum>             Page to input the signature, default: 1 (default: 1)
  -o, --output <outputPdfPath>     Output stamped document, default: output.pdf (default: "output.pdf")
  -l, --left <leftAmount>          Signature position from page left (px), e.g: 120
  -r, --right <rightAmount>        Signature position from page right (px), e.g: 120
  -t, --top <topAmount>            Signature position from page top (px), e.g: 120
  -b, --bottom <bottomAmount>      Signature position from page bottom (px), e.g: 120
  -z, --zoom <zoomPercent>         Signature zoom percentage on page (100% is full pagewidth), default: 25 (default: 25)
  --debug                          Keeps temporary PDF files (for development purposes)
  -h, --help                       display help for command


pdfstamp stamp \                                                                                                      
--input ./input.pdf \                                                                                  
--signature ./signature.png \                                                      
--output ./output.pdf \                                
--page 2 \                       
--bottom 300 \
--left 200
