benzittlau / git_mustaches

Demo app for using postman and ngrok
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Git Mustache

This is a demo project to walk through using the postman and ngrok tools to building against, and for API's


In building this quick project we're going to go through a few steps


The purpose of this talk is not showing how to build a good API, and many shortcuts are taken in the sinatra API that is built to try and move quickly through integrating the other API's, and highlighting how to use Postman and NGROK to facilitate.

Building an API endpoint in sinatra

This is pretty quick and easy

get '/hi' do
  "Hello World!"

Now let's test it with postman

Building against the google images API in postman

This is also pretty easy

We can test in postman doing a GET to:

We can try adding the imgtype=face to the params we send to the API

We can try restricing the file type to JPEG

Building against the google images API in sinatra

Now let's make an endpoint that takes a body that we use for image search

This is what we end up with:

get '/image_me/:search' do

def get_image_url(query)
  options = {
    :query => {
      :v => 1.0,
      :imgtype => 'face',
      :as_filetype => 'jpeg',
      :rsz => 1,
      :q => query
  response = HTTParty.get('', options)


Building against the github API using postman

First we'll need an Oauth token; I've already gone ahead and done this

We'll need to use that in an authorization header:

Authorization: token OAUTH_TOKEN

Let's try it using postman, against

Now let's try doing something using postman

POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments

In this case: POST /repos/benzittlau/git_mustaches/issues/1/comments

  "body": "Me too"

Let's see if it worked. Cool!

Building against the github API using sinatra

Let's build an API endpoint to comment on an issue

Weird gotcha for github's API is we need to have a user agent header:

The body can be a hash with to_json called on it

When successful we should get a 201 response. Here's an example of working code:

get '/comment_me/:phrase' do
  status comment_on_issue(params[:search])

def comment_on_issue(phrase)
  options = {
    :body => { :body => 'From Sinatra' }.to_json,
    :headers => {
      "Authorization" => "token #{ENV['GITHUB_OAUTH2_TOKEN']}",
      "User-Agent" => 'benzittlau'

  response ='', options)


At this point we have our API hitting another API, that's pretty cool!

Building against the github webhook API using ngrok

Now we want to try and wire up to some github callbacks

Next we'll need to get ngrok setup

After install we'll run it: /Applications/ngrok 4567

We can test it using postman world

And take a look using the web interface http://localhost:4040/http/in

Here we can take a look at, and resubmit, the request

Now let's setup a basic sinatra endpoint and give it to github in our repo settings for issue comments

Now if we do a test comment we'll see it show up in ngrok

Now that we have an example in ngrok we can test our code without having to use github

Connecting it all together

Let's connect all the pieces, so that if the comment is of the form "image me " we'll inject an image with the url that our image_url method returns into the github issue

First let's capture a request by creating a comment on the issue in github. This will let ngrok capture it and give us a base to work with

Hint: The markdown for embedding an image is

![Image of Yaktocat](
post '/github_webhook' do
  json = JSON.parse(
  comment = json["comment"]["body"]

  if matches = /^image me (.*)$/i.match(comment)
    phrase = matches[1]
    image_url = get_image_url(phrase)

    image_markdown = "![Image of #{phrase}](#{image_url})"
