bergben / ng2-ck-editable

Angular 2 directive to make any div editable using a CKEditor. The main idea is to make key-value pairs editable.
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Angular 2 directive to make any div editable using a CKEditor. The main idea is to make key-value pairs editable.


$ npm install ng2-ck-editable --save

Import the module

// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Ng2CKEditableModule } from 'ng2-ck-editable'; // <-- import the module
import { MyComponent } from './my.component';

    imports: [BrowserModule,
              Ng2CKEditableModule.forRoot() // <-- include it in your app module
    declarations: [MyComponent],  
    bootstrap: [MyComponent]
export class MyAppModule {}


This library uses Bootstrap 4, so make sure to install that if you want the default styling to apply.


Use it in your template

<div [ck-editable]="{key:'myPerfectKey'}">Some content</div>


<div [ck-editable]="{key:'myPerfectKey', value:'some content'}"></div>

Output events

    <div [ck-editable]="{key:'myPerfectKey'}" (ck-editable)="onSave($event)">

Can be used to save the changed data. The event contains an Object "current" which is the current key value pair, aswell as a "previous" which contains the key value pair before the data was changed (in case of an error to reset the data).

Default behaviour

By default the value that is provided in the directive is prioritized:

<div [ck-editable]="{key:'myPerfectKey', value:'some value 1'}">Some content</div>

Here for example the value in the CKEditor would then be "some value 1".


i18n - Default wording global

By default the component buttons are in English: "Save", "Edit" and "Cancel". You can set those defaults in the forRoot when importing the Module in your app.module.ts like so:


i18n - Default wording per element

You can overwrite the default wording for the buttons:

    <div [ck-editable]="{key:'myPerfectKey'}" [cancel-text]="'custom text'" [save-text]="'save text'" [edit-text]="'custom edit'">

CKEditor config

You can pass the config object for the CKEditor like so:

    <div [ck-editable]="{key:'myPerfectKey'}" [config]="{uiColor: '#99000'}">

or globally using

        config:{uiColor: '#99000'}

Button styling

The buttons each have a class 'ck-editable-save', 'ck-editable-cancel' and 'ck-editable-edit' which you can use to apply styling to the buttons.
