bergberg /

Landing page
1 stars 0 forks source link


These are the hugo sources and resulting webpage for


  1. clone the repository to a folder on your computer, e.g. ~/
  2. checkout a (new) branch other than master to work on git checkout my_branch
  3. Install hugo
  4. In a terminal, build the website with hugo from (e.g.) ~/ and serve it locally for previewing with hugo server.
  5. To add a course, start with copying an existing folder in content/courses/ and edit it.
  6. To edit (for example) the tags, look in content/home/
  7. To edit the title / tagline, look in content/home/
  8. To edit the slider / features banner, look in content/home/
  9. For more info on the widgets / layout / theme etc see wowchemy
  10. When you are happy with your newly added courses, push your changes to origin and make a merge request.
  11. Changes merged on master will be automatically built on netlify with hugo and appear online.