berikv / GameCenterUI

The easiest way to integrate GameCenter with SwiftUI
MIT License
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The easiest way to integrate GameCenter with SwiftUI.


GameCenterUI enables use of Apple's GameKit framework from SwiftUI. Both iOS and Mac are supported.


GameCenterUI demo gif


Call .enableGameCenter() inside the App struct to authenticate with GameCenter.

import SwiftUI
import GameCenterUI

struct MyApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

A view showing the highscore in a button that presets the leaderboard if authenticated. When not authenticated the button will take the user to the preferences where one can log in to GameCenter.

struct MyGameView: View {
    @Binding var highscore: Int

    @Environment(\.gameCenterIsAuthenticated) var gameCenterIsAuthenticated
    @State var showGameCenter = false

    var body: some View {
        if gameCenterIsAuthenticated {
            Button("Highscore \(highscore)") {
                isPresented: $showGameCenter,
                launchOption: .leaderBoardID(
                    id: "SomeLeaderboardID",
                    playerScope: .global,
                    timeScope: .allTime))
        } else {
            Button("Log in to game center") {



Edit the Package.swift file. Add the GamCenterUI as a dependency:

let package = Package(
    name: " ... ",
    products: [ ... ],
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0") // here
    targets: [
            name: " ... ",
            dependencies: [
                "GameCenterUI" // and here

For .xcodeproj projects

  1. Open menu File > Add Packages...
  2. Search for "" and click Add Package.
  3. Open your project file, select your target in "Targets".
  4. Open Dependencies
  5. Click the + sign
  6. Add GameCenterUI