berk / will_filter

rails engine plugin for filtering active_record model objects
MIT License
157 stars 76 forks source link

= WillFilter

will_filter is a Rails engine plugin that provides a GUI for filtering your ActiveRecord models.

== Preamble

If you ever had to build an admin tool for your web site that displayed a list of objects that can be filtered using various criteria, this plugin will make your life easier. Adding a filtered page can now be a matter of adding two lines of code - one to your controller and one to your view. See examples below.

== Installation Instructions

Add the following gems to your Gemfile:

gem 'will_filter' gem 'kaminari'

And run:

$ bundle

To configure and initialize will_filter engine, run the following commands:

$ rails generate will_filter
$ rake db:migrate

At the top of your routes.rb file, add the following line:

mount WillFilter::Engine => "/will_filter"

== Examples

To add a filtered result-set to your controller use the following method call:

class UsersController < ApplicationController

def index
  @users = User.filter(:params => params)    


Note: 'User' is a Rails ActiveRecord model

Now all you have to do is create a view for this action and add the following tag where you want the filter to be rendered:

<%= will_filter_tag(@users) %>

And optionally you can do (for results table):

<%= will_filter_table_tag(@users) %>

That's it. This will render a filter box with various conditions, operators and values for the model object you selected.

= Documentation

Please read the following document to learn more about filter customization:

Please read the following document to learn more about table tag customization:

= Dummy Application

This plugin comes with a dummy test project. To try out some of the examples, run the following commands:

$ git clone git:// $ cd will_filter/test/dummy
$ rake db:migrate $ rake samples:init $ rails server

Open your browser and point to:


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, email me at

== Authors and credits

Authors:: Michael Berkovich