bernardarhia / routee

A lightweight php routing library for writing fullstack applications, backend apis etc. It comes with speed and was inspired by how laravel handles it routing services in the framework
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cms csrf-protection http lightweight php router routing url-handler


A lightweight php routing service for writing fullstack applications in PHP.


Make sure you are using php version >= 8.0.1


composer require bernard-arhia/routee


A simple route service


use Http\Router;
require_once  __DIR__  .  "/vendor/autoload.php";

$router  =  new  Router;
$router->get("/", function(){
echo  "Hello world";


Now open the terminal and start your php web server

php -S localhost:9000

This will start the php server on port 9000 In your browser open http://localhost:9000 to preview the example A screenshot

The Route accepts the following http request methods