bernardladenthin / BitcoinAddressFinder

A high performance bitcoin address finder.
Apache License 2.0
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not generating key #24

Open talpih opened 1 year ago

talpih commented 1 year ago

hi, after i ran the program its not generating any key.

2022-12-17 16:28:27,050 [Timer-0] INFO net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 0 M keys in 15 minutes] [0 k keys/second] [0 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 115343] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 0] [Hits: 0]

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago

Hi, do you have configured a producer? You need to configure a producerJava or producerOpenCL. Do you have an error in your log?

talpih commented 1 year ago

thx for the fast reply. Im using the default config_Find_1OpenCLDevice.js

no error

java -Xms512M -Xmx16G -Dlogback.configurationFile=logbackConfiguration.xml -jar bitcoinaddressfinder-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar config_Find_1OpenCLDevice.js
2022-12-18 18:48:35,877 [main] INFO  net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.cli.Main - Find
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.lmdbjava.ByteBufferProxy$AbstractByteBufferProxy (file:/home/BitcoinAddressFinder/bitcoinaddressfinder-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) to field java.nio.Buffer.address
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.lmdbjava.ByteBufferProxy$AbstractByteBufferProxy
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
2022-12-18 18:48:37,660 [main] INFO  net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.persistence.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - ##### BEGIN: LMDB stats #####
2022-12-18 18:48:37,660 [main] INFO  net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.persistence.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - ... this may take a lot of time ...
2022-12-18 18:48:37,688 [main] INFO  net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.persistence.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - DatabaseSize: 4708.55859375 MiB
2022-12-18 18:48:37,689 [main] INFO  net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.persistence.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - IncreasedCounter: 0
2022-12-18 18:48:37,689 [main] INFO  net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.persistence.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - IncreasedSum: 0.0 MiB
2022-12-18 18:48:37,690 [main] INFO  net.ladenthin.bitcoinaddressfinder.persistence.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - Stat: Stat{branchPages=0, depth=1, entries=1, leafPages=1, overflowPages=0, pageSize=4096}
kazax-inc commented 1 year ago

Hi, same problem here, I running it with light lmdb and i am also using the config files mentioned in the quickstart (downloaded and not modified):

my RAM is used at its maximum (16Go) and my GPU usage oscillates between 50/90%, however the logs indicate that nothing is generated/tested.

I also tested with only CPU producers and it seems to work, the problem only seems to be when using openCL

I also have the same warning in the logs at initialization (with openCL and CPU) apparently not related to the problem

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago

It seems you are using Java 9, the current "release" is compatible with java 8 only. But I've already created a version which is compatible to Java 11 and newer. I'll publish a new release 1.1.0 snapshot now. Please try to use this and update the bat files also. There are some --add-opens and --illegal-access modifications.

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago

Please find here the new pre release which should working:

kazax-inc commented 1 year ago

Hi, indeed the version of java was the problem, everything works correctly now with the new snapshot and .bat thank you

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago

Perfect, thanks a lot for the report and happy address finding :)

talpih commented 1 year ago

i tried the new version its still the same.

im using openjdk 11.0.17 2022-10-18 i tried with oracle jdk 11 ... same result, doesnt work on my machine.

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago

Hi, what did not work exactly? Which database are you using? You need to wait till ##### END: LMDB stats ##### occur in the file. It may take a lot of time to read the whole database to the RAM. I recommend a SSD.

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago

An example log:

16:54:32.513 [main] INFO  n.l.bitcoinaddressfinder.cli.Main - Find
16:54:32.840 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - ##### BEGIN: LMDB stats #####
16:54:32.840 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - ... this may take a lot of time ...
16:54:32.842 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - DatabaseSize: 4708.55859375 MiB
16:54:32.842 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - IncreasedCounter: 0
16:54:32.842 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - IncreasedSum: 0.0 MiB
16:54:32.843 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - Stat: Stat{branchPages=0, depth=1, entries=1, leafPages=1, overflowPages=0, pageSize=4096}
16:55:41.458 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - LMDB contains 111983796 unique entries.
16:55:41.458 [main] INFO  n.l.b.p.lmdb.LMDBPersistence - ##### END: LMDB stats #####
16:55:51.472 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 0 M keys in 0 minutes] [0 k keys/second] [0 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 1288] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 0] [Hits: 0]
16:56:01.464 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 0 M keys in 0 minutes] [0 k keys/second] [0 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 2864] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 0] [Hits: 0]
16:56:11.461 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 0 M keys in 0 minutes] [0 k keys/second] [0 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 4448] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 0] [Hits: 0]
16:56:21.463 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 0 M keys in 0 minutes] [0 k keys/second] [0 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 5736] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 0] [Hits: 0]
16:56:31.462 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 8 M keys in 0 minutes] [164 k keys/second] [8 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:56:41.461 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 24 M keys in 1 minutes] [409 k keys/second] [24 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:56:51.462 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 40 M keys in 1 minutes] [576 k keys/second] [40 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:57:01.461 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 56 M keys in 1 minutes] [704 k keys/second] [56 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:57:11.462 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 72 M keys in 1 minutes] [809 k keys/second] [72 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:57:21.589 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 89 M keys in 1 minutes] [895 k keys/second] [89 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:57:31.462 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 106 M keys in 1 minutes] [964 k keys/second] [106 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:57:41.461 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 122 M keys in 2 minutes] [1024 k keys/second] [61 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
16:57:51.463 [Timer-0] INFO  n.l.b.ConsumerJava - Statistics: [Checked 140 M keys in 2 minutes] [1078 k keys/second] [70 M keys/minute] [Times an empty consumer: 6441] [Average contains time: 0 ms] [keys queue size: 4] [Hits: 0]
talpih commented 1 year ago

Hi, what did not work exactly? Which database are you using? You need to wait till ##### END: LMDB stats ##### occur in the file. It may take a lot of time to read the whole database to the RAM. I recommend a SSD.

thanks. sorry it was my mistake. I didnt notice the lmdb was too big. Its all working fine now. Thanks so much.

What happen when a key is found? will the program stop and notify me?

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago

If you find a private/public key pair which is existing in the database the program will print/log this information. It does not stop. You can test this very simple if you are set to something like 22 and let still 18. This means you will have a lot of hits for the puzzle transaction which are included in the light and full database.

davidmartin9 commented 5 months ago

Hi, do you have configured a producer? You need to configure a producerJava or producerOpenCL. Do you have an error in your log?


davidmartin9 commented 5 months ago

Hi, do you have configured a producer? You need to configure a producerJava or producerOpenCL. Do you have an error in your log?

how to configured producer?