bernardladenthin / BitcoinAddressFinder

A high performance bitcoin address finder.
Apache License 2.0
170 stars 49 forks source link
bitcoin bitcoin-bruteforce bitcoin-private-key-recovery bitcoin-private-key-search bitcoin-wallet-cracker bruteforce bruteforce-attack bruteforce-attacks btc-bruteforce dash java litecoin lmdb opencl p2pkh zcash


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Free high performance tool for fast scanning random Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash (and many more) private keys and finding addresses with balance. The main goal is to generate as fast as possible (Bitcoin/Altcoin) addresses using the JVM combined with OpenCL and check if the address (RIPEMD160 hash) was used/not used before. This includes possible hash collisions.

Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Bernard Ladenthin.



  1. Download the binary (jar) from
  2. Download and extract the light database from
  3. Download a configuration set like
  4. Put all in one directory like the following structure
    • Downloads
    • lmdb
      • data.mdb
      • lock.mdb
    • bitcoinaddressfinder-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
    • logbackConfiguration.xml
    • config_Find_1OpenCLDevice.js
    • run_Find_1OpenCLDevice.bat
  5. Run the file run_Find_1OpenCLDevice.bat


Address database

The addresses will be inserted in a high performance database LMDB. The database can be used to check if a generated addresses is ever used.


The importer read multiple txt/text files containing the following addresses in arbitrary order. Each line can contain a different format.

Create the database by yourself

Useful txt/text file provider:


The exporter writes all addresses in different formats:

Use my prepared database

I am in the process of preparing databases filled with numerous Bitcoin and altcoin addresses (refer to the Import Support section for more information). The sources of this information are confidential; however, you have the permission to extract any and all addresses. Should there be any information you find lacking or have questions about, do not hesitate to ask.

Light database

Checksums * CRC32: 3F1FDC9A * MD5: 1F9776BD28ED26C1DA8D7B00DC387A2B * RipeMD160: 8D1993B1CF022B940DB5AAA5C22CDDF816DE6CD1 * SHA-1: 95D907CED30F473428B37A59E6C9C8EDADCDD633 * SHA-256: A25A19966645C8D2F22CCA3478980AFBEE1964409C3744684241EFE5ED2DABC1 * SHA-512: 1F63C07CFB6287D87CEBE175BA1710041D133EA3B4A4A445F4BF155A00E1289A09B7EFC4A40F215C032A0D25EE357AE15E9DD3FB0C649C02149372877A9E9202 * SHA3-224: E23E6DA501C84B09C050A4EBEE255427EAAF2D2D0A9773355B055FEC * SHA3-256: B575839DE86CEC95ACD370636CCAE35D463873F2A3A7D30296BBB9363E9AC659 * SHA3-384: B50DC230430187AC612AECFC64952129C2D54B6DE1BDBFCD239754F66D9CC2CB86A4C9DEBC196886C7B9B309A6F0439D * SHA3-512: 75AA1D6B9379F4AAA6F01B11BE9F94B59173604EA89BAA9D4F15E3DAFAB87B9ACDDA76BB102EB83C20BA4FED85172B6D7D843EE93678C232395B1E586D23AE55
Checksums * CRC32: CDF4DEAA * MD5: A3C18E19D12B661A52EABE3D9C3C98A5 * RipeMD160: 86351035F7DF951E3BBFED6F0A1DD6E393E1A503 * SHA-1: DAC3028774CA60EA34EA6C698DF18AEB1E3736FB * SHA-256: A47C074CEEDEE88C3DB4660B0A6668431195602248E11843ADC1170DB115EBE1 * SHA-512: 5B135919C96782927170CC6675DA2B28130435B896B985D4406BDC7BBD64FE402362F9AD8CDE70F2DAE39D4A4500956BA76A9E40D19FAB8225FB6D9F919D006A * SHA3-224: F01CCFEED3775888569A9D36A0F456F3EF2251852771202D353081E7 * SHA3-256: 8430D6F48E2D5BFD1544587AA423EC41764EE14FD619804DC6C89CE1A3D328F4 * SHA3-384: F8A4A5AE2577B83F56E363C9C82D58EB782E8BCCDDEB8B92416F0A9C44438B268333D2B7B0BBE4A4ABFC35CDC1222FA7 * SHA3-512: B7D69667D5AC44F5A5F7354E9C4AA34D662D837119B10C394C04A93B6F8C117F82F2F8BE576617FE7B4F940E71001949DEF1B59EC79FC920FF011050B3943B75

Full database

Checksums * CRC32: AC705AEA * MD5: DFCE421B8C7E720DC216175598B20975 * RipeMD160: 7ABF5F9B6F432B0E6628A764CE58EDE8096692B6 * SHA-1: D6EDF234989DE68E241EB3ACE717FBD2E8EABC07 * SHA-256: 5932172C515CB632B92DD0C91FDA518D3A5BD2DE6375DE4C5BF480731663FEF7 * SHA-512: 1944F4F41BDCD3B6117A77F584EF76B784CD9931A476668163C8AD0C77422B014DFBF5C1DBD1EF79D73397BF58AD654CB12DD5011762D78F18C5D7A1A3D4271A * SHA3-224: B41A7FF86488577476F65CBF3C0223003210D2FF50E71BC0C8CF5AAD * SHA3-256: C39C4E926502BB19737E07C803F9DDC0A0BE7AAB9AA5E98BE1659F17ECA2AEF0 * SHA3-384: 6B37F3E1C4F9BD265B1B622EB8BD8270E6F66F08A0F56D1F20DC2863A57ED93F99F15ACDF2A77CC1DAB748DD9334081B * SHA3-512: A2453833006494923343A961AD23483D8CA9E7F3065A525A89CC05B6B541C195E09C3EBF1F1F5EB5513FE1AC1B025D57FE577C9D434807A2A89F166A2902072E
Checksums * CRC32: F213E215 * MD5: 27167D44969DCB86E20F466E4FAF1066 * RipeMD160: B92B61E1C2B3C0344A6622C59FEDD3C1A699611E * SHA-1: DE9FB5637650601CB669359F14D6F4C8EA8050AC * SHA-256: E2485F2833740EFE3C4687E6B7A5921B02CD7D83AD7EEBFB600C6F4286A279F0 * SHA-512: 44D70EA70BAFF60880E625679A4AD0B5D38C82DF332D21BD58B93D87F487946DD197F095AEC619FAE005224D382E5E1C21344441C8995A09291A1BF2C60B3820 * SHA3-224: 7D4E4F40CE6EB8C5449DEC1317826228C788B92ABA31FA6E4AC76F27 * SHA3-256: E1B31B8E408FF6BD128FBFFFE2C6C9186E251EB084752F97FAA80A462EF8651C * SHA3-384: DA0CA34D845F8B508287FD5E3B2B9CA6398F866727B67F8E353ECFC7A8B5747B74AFC0343EA0E912BECB212AA084701D * SHA3-512: 121F37DB04ECEB1496BB09C219E1B1B9069B5AE490D9D8B04695BAF4C61377ABB4AE648F0037B3061F2942916FF74198C0854F7950892B7D9D119C6144384CE8

Pages and projects to get lists (dumps) of PubkeyHash addresses

Find addresses

Attention: Do not use this software in a productive, non safe environment. A safe environment might be a dedicated computer with an air gap / disconnected network. A side-channel attack is possible and the software is optimized for performance and not constant-time. You may use a paper wallet for created vanity keys.

Mixed modes

Find personal vanity addresses and check if addresses already exists in the lmdb can be used together.

Key range

A key range can be defined (e.g. 64-bit) whereas the first (e.g. 192-bit (256-bit - 64-bit)) are zeroed. This can be used to creaty keys in a specific range to find keys in a known range (e.g. Bitcoin Puzzle Transaction). This can be also used to proof that the software works.


To increase the performance of the EC-key generation OpenCL can be used. A common secret is transfered to the OpenCL device with a fixed grid size. Each OpenCL thread creates a different EC-Key because it add its thread-id to the secret. Therefore a range of EC-keys for a fixed grid size is created at once and will be transfered back to the main memory. The CPU is now able to hash the x,y coordinate of the EC-key to create (Bitcoin/Altcoin) addresses. The CPU doesn't spend most of its time for EC-key generation and can be used more efficient for hashing and database lookups.

The OpenCL mode has a Built-in self-test (BIST) to compare the OpenCL results with CPU based EC-Key generation. This allows an end user to verify it's OpenCL device is working properly.


The effective keys / s using uncompressed and compressed keys. OpenCL creates uncompressed keys only. A compressed key can be deduced easily from the uncompressed key.

GPU privateKeyMaxNumBits gridNumBits effective keys / s
Nvidia RTX 2060 256 18 2160 k keys / s
Nvidia Quadro P2000 256 18 505 k keys /s
Nvidia Quadro P2000 64 18 more than 1000 k keys /s (CPU was at its limit)
Nvidia Quadro M2000M 256 16 205 k keys /s
Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti Mobile 64 16 more than 1000 k keys /s (CPU was at its limit)
Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti Mobile 256 16 550 k keys /s

Collision probability and security concerns

It's impossible to find collisions, isn't it? Please find the answear for vulnerability questions somewhere else:

Similar projects

Deep learning private key prediction

An export of the full database can be used to predict private keys with deep learning. A funny idea:

Known issues

If you have a laptop like HP ZBook G3/G4/G5 "hybrid graphics" mode is very slow because of the shared memory. Please select in the BIOS "discrete graphics".

Future improvements


// Random search with batches, here 100000. I,e. some random number is found and after 100000 sequental addresses should be checked. "searchAsBatches" : true, "searchBatchQuantity" : 100000,

// Random search within Address Space, with batches, here 100000. "searchAsBatches" : true, "searchAddressStart" : xxxxxxx, "searchAddressEnd" : xxxxxxxy, "searchBatchQuantity" : 100000

- Incomplete Seed-Phrase as Private KeyProvider. Wished from @mirasu See #38
- Socket KeyProvider for independend KeyProvider via byte protocol
  - Ideas might be a screen recorder and use the visible screen downscaled as 256 bit input
- KeyProvider must get the grid size to increment properly on incremental based Producer
- ExecutableKeyProvider gets data from stdout

## Legal
This software should not be configured and used to find (Bitcoin/Altcoin) address hash (RIPEMD-160) collisions and use (steal) credit from third-party (Bitcoin/Altcoin) addresses.
This mode might be allowed to recover lost private keys of your own public addresses only.

Another mostly legal use case is a check if the (Bitcoin/Altcoin) addresses hash (RIPEMD-160) is already in use to prevent yourself from a known hash (RIPEMD-160) collision and double use.

Some configurations are not allowed in some countries (definitely not complete):
* Germany: § 202c Vorbereiten des Ausspähens und Abfangens von Daten
* United States of America (USA): Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)

## License

It is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for the full license text.
Some subprojects have a different license.

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