bernardladenthin / BitcoinAddressFinder

A high performance bitcoin address finder.
Apache License 2.0
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Output Settings logbackConfiguration.xml #29

Open Musashih opened 1 year ago

Musashih commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you first of all for a wonderful product! Please tell me, can I customize the output of the file - logbackConfiguration.xml so that when it finds a match, it outputs only the wif private key format and the base 58 address? I will be very grateful

bernardladenthin commented 1 year ago


this is not implemented yet.

Output will be done here:

The message will be created here:

There is no configuration because with the raw data (private key) you are able to create any other input.

You usecase may make sense if you are having many hits?

Musashih commented 1 year ago


Это еще не реализовано.

Вывод будет сделан здесь:

Сообщение будет создано здесь:

Конфигурация отсутствует, потому что с необработанными данными (закрытым ключом) вы можете создать любой другой вход.

Ваш вариант использования может иметь смысл, если у вас много хитов?

Hi, yes, you are absolutely right, I have reassembled and configured the output, for personal research. Are you planning to add a gpu soon?

bernardladenthin commented 12 months ago

Hi, GPU (OpenCL) is already supported. See examples/config_Find_1OpenCLDevice.js

Musashih commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm running the examples/config_Find_1OpenCLDevice file.js with the same settings as yours, but my processor is loading only, it seems the video card is not involved at all...

bernardladenthin commented 10 months ago

Hi, you need to monitor CUDA as an example in GPU in the Windows Task Manager.