bernardladenthin / BitcoinAddressFinder

A high performance bitcoin address finder.
Apache License 2.0
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Create a database of your addresses. Setting up private key generation in a certain range #41

Open baruka99-lab opened 3 months ago

baruka99-lab commented 3 months ago

Hello again. Please tell me how to create a database of your addresses and is it possible to specify a range for generating private keys?

bernardladenthin commented 3 months ago

A search range is currently being implemented but is not available at the moment.

To create a database for yourself, you can refer to this configuration:

I strongly recommend using either my light or full database.

baruka99-lab commented 3 months ago

Please explain to me, when creating an address database, you need to use all three formats (.txt, .tsv, .csv) or can you fill in some one with addresses?

bernardladenthin commented 3 months ago

This is just an example. If you need a custom database, you will need to define your input (e.g., addresses) by yourself.

baruka99-lab commented 3 months ago

I understand that this is an example. It's not very clear to me how to do this or if I'm doing it right. I'm not a wizard, I'm just learning))

bernardladenthin commented 3 months ago

The question essentially is, why would you want to create your own database as a beginner? My database already contains many. However, if you still wish to create a database, you can begin by exporting one or multiple addresses. For example, start with a file, such as the one available at