berrywhite96 / lovelace-shutter-row

Home Assistant Lovelace Shutter Row Card
MIT License
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home-assistant home-assistant-card home-assistant-custom lovelace-card lovelace-ui

Shutter Row Card

Simple shutter card with preset buttons and button customization for Home Assistant.

Shutter row card example



This lovelace card is available on the HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

Go to the Frontend section and search for Shutter Row.


  1. Download shutter-row.js file from latest release.
  2. Put shutter-row.js file into your config/www folder.
  3. Add reference to shutter-row.js in Lovelace. There's two ways to do that:
    1. Using UI: SettingsDashboards → Click on the three dots in the top right → ResourcesAdd resource → Set Url as /hacsfiles/lovelace-shutter-row/shutter-row.js → Set Resource type as JavaScript Module. Note: If you do not see the Resources Tab, you will need to enable Advanced Mode in your User Profile
    2. Using YAML: Add following code to lovelace section.
          - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-shutter-row/shutter-row.js
            type: module
  4. Add custom:shutter-row to Lovelace UI as any other card (using either editor or YAML configuration).


YAML mode

Card example with inverted slider position, state color and one preset button.

type: "custom:shutter-row"
entity: cover.cover_entity
name: Friendly name
invert_position: true
state_color: true
    - name: Open
      icon: mdi:window-shutter-open
          action: call-service
          service: cover.set_cover_position
              entity_id: cover.cover_entity
              position: 100

Main configuration

Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:shutter-row to use shutter row
entity string Required Existing cover entity id
name string Optional Overwrites friendly name from entity
invert_position boolean false Inverts position value (0% => 100%, 30% => 70%), forces also invert_position_label to true
invert_position_label boolean false Inverts position label (if false => 0% = closed, 100% = open; if true => 0% = open, 100% = closed)
disable_position boolean false Disables position controls
rtl_position boolean false Switches direction of the position slider to right to left
state_color boolean false Enables icon coloring if the shutter is not fully closed
group boolean false Removes outer card styling, use if card is part of entities card
ignore_state boolean false Always enable moving buttons, independent of state
title_template template Optional Overwrites card title with a rendered template
position_template template Optional Overwrites position with a rendered template
move_down_button action Optional Custom action for the move down button (overwrites default functions)
move_stop_button action Optional Custom action for the move stop button (overwrites default functions)
move_up_button action Optional Custom action for the move up button (overwrites default functions)
preset_buttons list Optional List of preset buttons

Preset button

Name Type Default Description
icon icon Optional Icon e.g. mdi:window-shutter
name string Optional Label for button
tap_action action Optional Action on tap
double_tap_action action Optional Action on double tap
hold_action action Optional Action on hold


The action type is the typical Home Assistant action variable extended by the set-position action. It's an shortcut for the set_cover_position service.

Name Type Default Description
action string Required set-position or any other action
position int Optional Used if action is set-position, sets the cover position for the card entity

Any other action does work as well.


If you want to help the project you can translate into your daily language. Just create a new file from the src/localization/en.json and translate the values. Add the language into the switch case at the top of src/localize.js. Make a pull request and your translation will be merged into the project.


This project is under the MIT license.