bersegosx / Natsex

Elixir client for NATS / NATS Streaming
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client driver elixir nats pubsub


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Elixir client for NATS



The package can be installed by adding natsex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:natsex, "~> 0.9.1"}


# connects with default params, host - "localhost", port - 4222
iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = Natsex.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.195.0>}

# or connects on custom port with credentials
iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = Natsex.start_link(config: %{host: "localhost", port: 4567, user: "admin", pass: "12345"})
{:ok, #PID<0.195.0>}

iex(2)> Natsex.subscribe(pid, "telegram.user.notifications", self())

iex(3)> flush
 {"telegram.user.notifications", "13b2d0cd-9dba-43b6-bb5d-288d48346ff4", nil},
 "Good news, everyone!"}

# sent a message and waits a response, aka "Request-Reply"
iex(4)> Natsex.request(pid, "questions", "sup?")
{:ok, "response"}

iex(5)> Natsex.stop(pid)

TLS connection

# connects with tls
iex(1)> Natsex.start_link(config: %{tls_required: true})
{:ok, #PID<0.195.0>}

# connects with client cert
iex(1)> Natsex.start_link(config: %{tls_required: true,
                                    cert_path: Path.expand("./cert.crt"),
                                    cert_key_path: Path.expand("./client.key")})
{:ok, #PID<0.195.0>}


Name ips average deviation median 99th %
parse-128 372.53 K 2.68 μs ±1421.03% 2 μs 12 μs
pub - 128 15.96 K 62.67 μs ±30.65% 59 μs 111 μs
sub-unsub-pub-16 4.45 K 224.69 μs ±47.88% 210 μs 449 μs
request/reply 3.60 K 277.94 μs ±18.10% 262 μs 448 μs