bertabus-zz / dotfiles

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My dotfiles

I Keep most my config files linked in my home folder from my dotfiles. It would be great to have everything in a .config file but not enough programs use this currently to make it worthwhile.

my ZSHrc is heavily dependant on oh-my-zsh and I clone mine in ~/.oh-my-zsh/ (just take a look in my zshrc). Clone my config with

mkdir ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
git clone .

In order to get everything setup right run the bootstrap file.

cd ~/.dotfiles
chmod +x

Also take a look at the my UDEV rules that are useful for various embedded programmers.


I use several third party libraries, I place these in a folder named submodules. I realize that .local or just local is the more traditional. This allows me to separate these simple one off's into a world of their own. My submodules are as follows

Briss : Pdf editor, very useful for editing margins to fit on a small screen.

Footprintbuild : a useful integrated circuit foot print builder, may not still be needed with newest kicad but has been very useful in the past.

Sejda : a pdf concatenation and TOC command line tool. Have found it more versatile than pdftk, though slower by a touch.

Additional Notes

Problems can arise when connecting to remote hosts over ZSH, Typically this is as simple as exporting the term variable.

export TERM=xterm

I used solve this by copying over my shell with something along the lines of:

# on remote server
mkdir -p ~/.terminfo/rl
# on localhost machine
scp /usr/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-256color

Mac notes

just clone it and link some files (...add details) for sure

ln -s ~/.config/vim/vimrc .vimrc

also macvim is the way to go for clang and python interop

Historical Notes

I really liked xmonad, but I have since move to XFCE. My former files may be found in older commits under the .config/xmonad folder.

I also really tried to keep everything in a .config folder to follow XDG standards but that didn't work very well for various reasons.