bertyn99 / cms-blog-monorepos

Creation of a mini cms template for future project
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adonis6 cms nuxt3 nuxtui

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This project follows a monorepo structure with two main applications: a backend application and a frontend application, along with a shared directory.

Backend (apps/back)

The backend application is structured as an AdonisJS application. It includes:

Each file and directory has a specific role in the application. For example, the app/services/media_librairy_service.ts file appears to define a service for handling media library operations.

Frontend (apps/front)

The frontend application is a Nuxt.js application. It includes:

Shared (shared/)

The shared/ directory is likely used for code that is shared between the frontend and backend applications.

Each application has its own package.json for managing dependencies, and there is a pnpm-workspace.yaml file at the root of the project for managing the monorepo with pnpm.


Setting Environment Variables

You need to set up environment variables for your application. These are usually stored in a .env file in the root of your backend application directory. If a .env.example file exists, you can copy it to create your .env file:

bash cp .env.example .env

Then, open the .env file and fill in the appropriate values for each variable.

Running Migrations

Before running the server, you need to run database migrations. This sets up your database schema according to the definitions in your migration files. In an AdonisJS application, you can run migrations using the following command:

bash cp .env.example .env

Launching the Server

Finally, you can start the server. If you're in a development environment, you can use the following command:

pnpm dev

Or, if you're in a production environment, you can use:

pnpm dev

Remember to run these commands in the root directory of your backend application.

To do


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