bessarabov / mac2mqtt

View and control some aspects of macOS computer via MQTT
MIT License
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Doesn't run on boot, manual opening needed #6

Open Stooovie opened 3 years ago

Stooovie commented 3 years ago

mac2mqtt 1.3.1 running on 11.5.2 doesn't launch on boot even with KeepAlive and RunAtLoad enabled in /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bessarabov.mac2mqtt.plist. It doesn't run unless i manually run launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bessarabov.mac2mqtt.plist

Console shows Aug 31 10:32:24 Mac[1] (com.bessarabov.mac2mqtt[8205]): Service exited with abnormal code: 2 every minute.

What else can I check? Thanks.

zellers commented 2 years ago

Have you checked that the quarantine flag is no longer set on the file ?

to check: xattr /Users/USERNAME/mac2mqtt/mac2mqtt

to clear: sudo xattr -r -d /Users/USERNAME/mac2mqtt/mac2mqtt