bessarabov / mac2mqtt

View and control some aspects of macOS computer via MQTT
MIT License
68 stars 23 forks source link
home-assistant macos mqtt


mac2mqtt is a program that allows viewing and controlling some aspects of computers running macOS via MQTT.

It publishes to MQTT:

You can send commands to MQTT to:


To control macOS via MQTT using this project you need several elements:

It is recommended to put executable file and configuration file in your home directory in the subdirectory mac2mqtt:

├── mac2mqtt
└── mac2mqtt.yaml


There are several ways you can get mac2mqtt binary.

Use pre-compiled binaries

Download the file from GitHub Releases section.

Make sure to download the correct file for your architecture:

You need to make downloaded file executable chmod +x FILE_NAME.

Compile the source code yourself

You need golang to be installed on your system —

  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd mac2mqtt/
  3. go build .

This will create file mac2mqtt that you can run.


To run this program you need 2 files in a directory:

├── mac2mqtt
└── mac2mqtt.yaml

Take mac2mqtt.yaml that is stored in this repository, but edit it, and put your data into it.

Then run ./mac2mqtt in the terminal. You should see see somthing like this:

$ ./mac2mqtt
2021/04/12 10:37:28 Started
2021/04/12 10:37:29 Connected to MQTT
2021/04/12 10:37:29 Sending 'true' to topic: mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/status/alive

Running in the background

You need mac2mqtt.yaml and mac2mqtt to be placed in the directory /Users/USERNAME/mac2mqtt/, then you need to create file /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bessarabov.mac2mqtt.plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

And run:

launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bessarabov.mac2mqtt.plist

(To stop you need to run launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bessarabov.mac2mqtt.plist)

Home Assistant sample config


    icon: mdi:laptop
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/command/sleep"
          payload: "sleep"

    icon: mdi:laptop
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/command/shutdown"
          payload: "shutdown"

    icon: mdi:laptop
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/command/displaysleep"
          payload: "displaysleep"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: air2_alive
    icon: mdi:laptop
    state_topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/status/alive"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "air2_battery"
    icon: mdi:battery-high
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    state_topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/status/battery"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: air2_mute
    icon: mdi:volume-mute
    state_topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/status/mute"
    command_topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/command/mute"
    payload_on: "true"
    payload_off: "false"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: air2_volume
    icon: mdi:volume-medium
    state_topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/status/volume"
    command_topic: "mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/command/volume"


title: Home
  - path: default_view
    title: Home
      - type: entities
          - sensor.air2_alive
          - sensor.air2_battery
          - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
            entity: number.air2_volume
            min: 0
            max: 100
          - switch.air2_mute
          - type: button
            name: air2
            entity: script.air2_sleep
            action_name: sleep
              action: call-service
              service: script.air2_sleep
          - type: button
            name: air2
            entity: script.air2_shutdown
            action_name: shutdown
              action: call-service
              service: script.air2_shutdown
          - type: button
            name: air2
            entity: script.air2_displaysleep
            action_name: displaysleep
              action: call-service
              service: script.air2_displaysleep

      - type: history-graph
        hours_to_show: 48
        refresh_interval: 0
          - sensor.air2_battery

MQTT topics structure

Program is working with several MQTT topics. All topix are prefixed with mac2mqtt + / + COMPUTER_NAME. For example, topic with current volume on my machine is mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx/status/volume, in this case the PREFIX if mac2mqtt/bessarabov-osx.

mac2mqtt send info to the topics mac2mqtt/COMPUTER_NAME/status/# and listen for commands in topics mac2mqtt/COMPUTER_NAME/command/#.

Status MQTT topics

mac2mqtt is sending data to those topics.

PREFIX + /status/alive

There can be true of false in this topic. If mac2mqtt is connected to MQTT server there is true. If mac2mqtt is disconnected from MQTT there is false. This is the standard MQTT thing called Last Will and Testament.

PREFIX + /status/volume

The value is the numbers from 0 (inclusive) to 100 (inclusive). The current volume of computer.

The value of this topic is updated every 2 seconds.

PREFIX + /status/mute

There can be true of false in this topic. true means that the computer volume is muted (no sound), false means that it is not multed.

PREFIX + /status/battery

The value is the nuber up to 100. The charge percent of the battery.

The value of this topic is updated every 60 seconds.

Control MQTT topics

mac2mqtt is listening for those topics and executes the actions.

PREFIX + /command/volume

You can send integer numberf from 0 (inclusive) to 100 (inclusive) to this topic. It will set the volume on the computer.

PREFIX + /command/mute

You can send true of false to this topic. When you send true the computer is muted. When you send false the computer is unmuted.

PREFIX + /command/sleep

You can send string sleep to this topic. It will put computer to sleep mode. Sending some other value will do nothing.

PREFIX + /command/shutdown

You can send string shutdown to this topic. It will try to shutdown the computer. The way it is done depends on the user who run the program. If the program is run by root the computer will shutdown, but if it is run by ordinary user the computer will not shut down if there is other user who logged in.

Sending some other value but shutdown will do nothing.

PREFIX + /command/displaysleep

You can send string displaysleep to this topic. It will turn off display. Sending some other value will do nothing.