bestander / body-finder

MIT License
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Body finder

A device prototype to find your buddies (or their bodies) when hiking or skiing. In the most basic case you have 2 identical devices that track their GPS coordinates, then they transmit and recieve over radio their positions. On the screens devices show direction and distance to each other making finding your buddies easy and fun.

Powered by Arduino, GPS and Long Range radio transmission.


Arduino board

The board is ASR6502 (CubeCell GPS HTCC-AB02S).

Amazon sells it as MakerFocus LoRa GPS Module LoRaWAN 868 915mHz Development Board LoRa Kit Ultra Low Power Design CP2102 SX1262 ASR6502 Chip with 0.96 inch OLED Display.

And it contains:



Compass is GY-271 QMC5883L. Attached SLC0/SDA0 and VDD/GND pins.



3.7V 1100mAh Lithium Rechargable Battery 1S 3C. Attached to battery port on the board.


Software setup

Install Arduino IDE

Follow heltec guide to install CubeCell board libraries.

Compiling code

VS Code support

You can also install Arduino extension in vscode for compiling and uploading code to the board. Arduino IDE still needs to be installed.

VS Code

3d printing the case