bethlakshmi / GBE

Code repository for the Great Boston Burlesque Expo
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Aggregate navigation in more GBE role centric way #161

Open bethlakshmi opened 10 years ago

bethlakshmi commented 10 years ago

Scandal schedules and approves classes, gets replacements for panels, hounds teachers for bios, helps with proposals, and does all things conferenece.

Stage mangers manage by show, tech info, crew, rehearsal slot booking, headcounts for roles.

Staff leaders want to see who signed up for their stuff on a track by track basis, not in a big blob.

eclecticmagpie commented 10 years ago

As a refinement to this, it would be nice if I could, for example, look at The Main Event, and see who the engineering staff are, as opposed to everyone, with their role or title clearly stated.

By engineering crew I mean: Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager (if there is one) Lighting Board Op Sound Board Op Sound Engineer assistant (if there is one) Playback Tech DJ (if appropriate) Follow-spot operator

jonkiparsky commented 10 years ago

@eclecticmagpie - We can do that. Thanks for the suggestion.