bethlakshmi / GBE

Code repository for the Great Boston Burlesque Expo
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Code repository for the Great Boston Burlesque Expo Based on edits made in 2012 to Intercode

Deploying Intercode for a new convention

Note: these instructions apply if you're setting up a convention on Intercode for the first time. There's a different procedure if you're setting up the subsequent year of a convention that ran on Intercode last year, which allows you to keep the plugs and mailing lists from last year.

1) Create a new MySQL database and initialize it by running setup/schema.sql.

2) Create an initial admin user for yourself: INSERT INTO Users (EMail, HashedPassword, FirstName, LastName, Nickname, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zipcode, Country, DayPhone, EvePhone, BestTime, HowHeard, PaymentNote, Priv) VALUES ('', MD5('your-new-password'), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Staff');

3) Copy the site code (in the src directory) to your web server in whatever location you want to serve it from. The server must support at least PHP 5.1.

(In the Intercon New England installation, we use Vlad the Deployer to deploy updates to the app. It's got some nice advantages, such as deploying straight out of version control, and the ability to quickly and automatically roll back a bad deploy. See README.vlad for details.)

4) Edit and The comments in there should give you some guidance; in particular, you'll want to edit the sessionname, all the DB* defines, and pretty much everything under the "Con identifiers" comment. Please read through the entire file and make sure you understand what everything does, since this file comprises the entire configuration for your instance of the app. ** For GBE, most of the con indentifiers (name of Con, dates, functionality configuration, shows, conference days, etc - are already specified in this installation. It's still worth a read, a lot of functionality hangs on this.

4a) Change to

4b) Change define (FILE_UPLOAD_LOC, "/Applications/MAMP/uploads/"); define (FILE_DISPLAY_LOC, "/media/");

FILE_UPLOAD_LOC is the upload location for files that are submitted with acts (video & photo), it must:

FILE_DISPLAY_LOC is the reference as a web URL. In the example above the URL would be "http://domain/media/picture/1.jpg" where domain = hostname/DNS picture = the subdirectory created in FILE_UPLOAD_LOC 1 = the bid id .jpg = the original file extension

You'll know it works when displaying the act in either the bid form or in the show committee special views shows a working picture or video and a working link.

5) There are other files you probably want to replace in your copy of the app: the PageBanner image, and likely some of the static .html files.

6) The app should now be up and running with your branding! Try logging into it using the email address and password you used above. If that works, try editing your profile to add your personal info.

7) Now we need to get PayPal up and running. Follow the instructions in README.paypal. * NOTE - may change when the ticket design goes into place, and isn't necessary if you are testing conference specific behavior.

You may also want to disable certain features of the app that are specific to Intercon New England; please don't do this by just commenting them out. Instead, create a new constant similar to, e.g. THURSDAY_ENABLED, and wrap any functionality related to it in an "if" block that checks this constant. Then you can submit the patch back to the maintainers and we'll all be able to benefit from the new configurability you've added! :)

Intercode PayPal Integration

Intercode uses PayPal to process convention payments such as:

As of the 2011 release, we've implemented PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) support. This has the advantage of much greater reliability than the old link-back method, and is easier to debug issues with using PayPal's IPN integration console. However, it does come with increased complexity of setup.

The main reason for this complexity is that Intercode must be deployed separately for each convention you run, but PayPal only allows one IPN listener URL per account. Thus, the IPN listener must be able to handle payments for all the conventions at once. This means figuring out which con database to write payment records into based on the name of the item being purchased.

The code for PayPal integration is located in the Subversion repository at:

It consists of a single PHP file called "ipn-listener.php". This should be deployed somewhere separate from your convention site installations. We deploy ours to

In order to use this file, you'll need to change several things in it:

1) The HOME_DIR should be set to the root directory of all your convention site installations on the web server.

2) Change the "Phone home" email address at the end of the log_paypal_msgs function so it's not emailing Nat Budin.

3) There's a section late in the file that begins with the line: $item_name = $_POST['item_name'];

This is where we figure out which convention is being paid for using the PayPal item name. You'll need to change the regular expression as well as the logic below to figure out which convention is being paid for and set $con_dir to the appropriate directory. This should be a directory in which a copy of Intercode is deployed, because the next thing the script is going to do is try to require('') from that directory to connect to the appropriate database.

Once that's all done, you'll need to tell PayPal to send IPN requests to the URL of the ipn-listener.php script. This can be done from your PayPal account's control panel.

To test it, set the DEVELOPMENT_MODE flag to 1 in This will make the price of everything 5 cents so you can try it out without having to spend too much money. (It will also put a red banner on each page of the site saying that it's in development mode, and direct all convention email to you rather than the user it was supposed to go to.)