bethylamine / soupcan

A cross-browser extension for Twitter to bring @WhatIsAWomanBot features into your browser.
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 2 forks source link



A cross-browser extension for Twitter to bring @WhatIsAWomanBot features into your browser created by @bethylamine.

Thank you to @VehpuS for helping me get started with extension development!



Future Features

If you have any cool ideas, please pop a message into the Issues tab, or message me, @bethylamine, on Twitter.


Available from Chrome Webstore Available from Firefox Add-ons Available on the Apple App Store for Safari

For Edge, Opera, Arc and other Chromium-based browsers, use the Chrome version. For Safari (iOS and macOS) use the version in the Apple App Store.


The extension works while Shinigami Eyes is installed, but for the best experience, disable Shinigami Eyes while using this extension.

The extension should also work with GoodTwitter2.

How To Use

Click to watch Youtube video

Soupcan Installation and Instructions video link

Full guide here: