betterFORM / eXist-ca

eXist CA
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eXist CA

What is it?

exist CA allows to setup a complete trustchain and to manage your own private certificate authority (CA).

Anybody having access to this file is invited to contribute content!


Communication channels on the internet have become increasingly insecure by various breaches of the underlying technologies and/or infrastructures. The big commercial trust centers have been tempered in the past. As a result certificates issued by these authorities are immanently insecure and cannot be trusted any more for data or communication privacy.


Users of eXist will be able to setup a CA thereby becoming their own root certificate authority. This establishes a complete new chain of trust. Trusting yourself is the only secure way today to establish real trusted computing.


Users must be able to:



There will be a simple form-based front-end gathering the parameters needed and store them in data/CA-config.xml.

The front-end will call a xquery on the server to invoke the necessary scripts to be executed that invoke openssl.


The certs generated by this app can be used for:


System requirements

Open questions


(Information not fitting elsewhere)

The application is developed as private code as a first step until the marketing has been clarified. Marketing discussions will be needed to explore the potential and scope for the application.


jt: As typical customer i invision small to medium organisations (e.g. in research and development, engeneering or scientific domains) that have sensitive data to maintain and required strict privacy of their data.

'Product' ideas

The ideas below are not mutual exclusive. There might be combinations or overlaps.