betwo / vscode-doxygen-runner

VS Code extension for Doxygen generation and preview
MIT License
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Generator for Doxygen documentation

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This extension adds helper functionality to work with Doxygen documentation. It can generate and preview the documentation and help you fix warnings by line-matching error messages.


Setup / Configuration

The following settings can be modified via your settings.json file or in the GUI:

Option doxygen_runner.doxygen_command

Specifies (as an absolute path) where the doxygen executable is installed in the system.

Option doxygen_runner.configuration_file_override

Although this extension is designed to function in workspaces with multiple packages and Doxygen configurations, you can force a specific file to be used to generate the documentation.

By setting doxygen_runner.configuration_file_override in your settings, e.g. in your workspace's settings.json file:

    "doxygen_runner.configuration_file_override": "${workspaceFolder}/some/path/to/your/documentation/Doxyfile",

the search for Doxygen configuration files is disabled and this file is always used.

Option doxygen_runner.configuration_filenames

Specifies (as an array), how your Doxygen configuration files are named. This is only required, if you do not override doxygen_runner.configuration_file_override. If your project uses another naming scheme, overwrite this in your settings.

The default is


Option doxygen_runner.crawler_package_root_marker_files

The search for a Doxygen configuration file is stopped, once the root of a package is reached. This is determined by checking for the existence of manifest files.

The option crawler_package_root_marker_files specifies (as an array), how your package manifests are named. This is only required, if you do not override doxygen_runner.configuration_file_override. If your project uses other manifiest files, overwrite this in your settings.

Note: This option can be empty, then the search will only terminate once the workspace root directory is reached.

The default is


Option doxygen_runner.view_after_generate

Specifies whether the View Doxygen documentation command should be executed automatically after Generate Doxygen documentation.

Usage: Commands

There are the following commands:

Usage: Crawling mode

By default, this extension searches for the correct Doxygen configuration file to use.

The search starts at the currently opened file's directory and will advance to the parent directory until an unambiguous configuration file is found.

Example 1: Assume the following directory structure

* root
+---+ package_name
    +---+ documentation
    |   |
    |   +--- Doxyfile
    +---+ src
    |   |
    |   +--* some_file.txt
    +---* package.json

If any of the files Doxyfile, some_file.txt, package.json is opened, the file Doxyfile will be used for generating the documentation.

Example 2: Assume the following directory structure

* root
+---+ package1
|   |
|   +---+ documentation
|   |   |
|   |   +--- Doxyfile
|   |
|   +---+ src
|   |   |
|   |   +--* some_file1.txt
|   |
|   +---* package1.json
+---+ package2
    +---+ documentation
    |   |
    |   +--- Doxyfile
    +---+ src
    |   |
    |   +--* some_file2.txt
    +---* package2.json

If any of the files package1/documentation/Doxyfile, some_file1.txt, package1.json is opened, the file package1/documentation/Doxyfile will be used for generating the documentation.

Else, if any of the files package2/documentation/Doxyfile, some_file2.txt, package2.json is opened, the file package2/documentation/Doxyfile will be used for generating the documentation.

Usage: Manual Configuration Override

If you only have a single doxygen configuration file, or in case where crawling does not work for you, you can override the search in your configuration by specifying

    "doxygen_runner.configuration_file_override": "${workspaceFolder}/some/path/to/your/documentation/Doxyfile",