beyond-all-reason / BYAR-Chobby

Currently used legacy lobby for BAR, for the new lobby development see
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Allow the use of TAB to go to next input box (Registering) #338

Open DarkEyeDragon opened 1 year ago

DarkEyeDragon commented 1 year ago

Just got the game and when registering I noticed you can't press TAB to go to the next input field. I think something like this would improve the experience a bit.

Nothing major, just a little QoL feature

badosu commented 1 year ago

Lobby client issues can be created here:

This repo is mostly for logic in-game

lhog commented 1 year ago

Transferred to

FIr3baL commented 1 year ago

Hey @DarkEyeDragon , this is a good suggestion in general. But i'm pretty sure, this won't come in near future.

Background: The current default lobby for BAR, called internally BYAR-Chobby, is in a state, where only nescessary changes and bugfixes are done. The BAR-Team focuses on a new lobby, which is still in development, but will come soon to daylight.

If you want to go by github, you could made an issue for bar-lobby here but i highly recommend joining the bar's discord and talk to people there.