Parsing of IGNORELIST command results in last added ignore user as the only only one in LibLobby's internal ignorelist.
Because it's not updated after IGNORELISTEND, but on each IGNORELIST command and then overwritten by a single entry.
Though the flag isIgnored of each lobby.user is getting updated. (which is commonly used by widgets; duplicate data storing)
Adding a user to ignorelist does not change users's shown color
Reason is Teiserver not answering with spring protocol defined IGNORED command, so chobby does not refresh ignorelist.
Update internal ignorelist after IGNORELISTEND as a whole
After sending IGNORE to server, just send IGNORELIST 2-3 seconds later to receive the updated server state
Parsing of IGNORELIST command results in last added ignore user as the only only one in LibLobby's internal ignorelist. Because it's not updated after IGNORELISTEND, but on each IGNORELIST command and then overwritten by a single entry. Though the flag isIgnored of each lobby.user is getting updated. (which is commonly used by widgets; duplicate data storing)
Adding a user to ignorelist does not change users's shown color Reason is Teiserver not answering with spring protocol defined IGNORED command, so chobby does not refresh ignorelist.