beyond-all-reason / BYAR-Chobby

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Add documentation to launch multiple chobbies #643

Open jauggy opened 2 months ago

jauggy commented 2 months ago

Add documentation to launch multiple chobbies. This documentation doesn't need to be in the readme. Can be added to seperate .md file. The purpose of this is to help teiserver devs test things like balance algorithms.

Draft below:

Launching Multiple Chobbies

1. Setup a new data folder

Create a folder called data2. Create symlinks inside your data2 folder that point to engine, pool, packages, rapid, maps, games that reside in Beyond-All-Reason\data.

Windows commands for symlinks Open a command prompt on the data2 folder and run the commands below (replacing `..\data` with the path to your data folder). You may need to launch the command prompt with admin privileges. ``` mklink /d .\engine ..\data\engine mklink /d .\maps ..\data\maps mklink /d .\pool ..\data\pool mklink /d .\games ..\data\games mklink /d .\packages ..\data\packages mklink /d .\rapid ..\data\rapid ```

Next copy springsettings.cfg and chobby_config.json from the original folder to the new folder.

2. Launch Chobby from your new data folder

Open a command prompt on the data2 folder and run the commands below but replace with your latest engine version. The latest engine version can be found in the data\engine folder.

Windows commands for launching chobby ``` set enginever=105.1.1-2449-gf1234a9 bar ".\engine\%enginever%\spring.exe" --isolation --write-dir . --menu rapid://byar-chobby:test ```
Linux commands for launching chobby ``` ./engine//spring -isolation -write-dir . -menu rapid://byar-chobby:test ```

You can repeat these steps and create multiple data folders and be able to launch multiple chobbies.

geekingfrog commented 2 months ago

Couple of points:

Inside your Beyond All Reason folder that's not required, the folder can be anywhere on your disk.

I think a "better" linux command would be

./engine/<VERSION>/spring -isolation -write-dir . -menu rapid://byar-chobby:test

The version bit isn't set, but it's fairly straightforward to figure out since it's just a folder name after all.