beyond-all-reason / BYAR-Chobby

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[FR] Ingame Announcement Popup / Loading Screen Message for special occasions #704

Open sprEEEzy opened 3 weeks ago

sprEEEzy commented 3 weeks ago

It's safe to say that 80-90% of folks playing last week had no clue there was an OS (uncertainty) reset a while ago, before joining a game and realizing they lost OS, for whatever reason.

When something important like that happens, there shouod be a special "welcome popup message" in the lobby that shows once for everyone, for a fixed duration of time, or a loading screen - like the one being used for new donations. That way people won't get confused and/or discouraged upon seeing that they "lost" their hard earned OS.

p2004a commented 3 weeks ago

Relevant suggestions thread:

I agree this is a highly needed feature to add to Chobby.