bezmi / jvc_projector

Python library to control JVC projectors
MIT License
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JVC Projector Remote

A python package to control JVC Projectors over IP.

⚠️ This project is looking for (co-)maintainers. Times change, I might end up with a different projector brand, JVC might change the command interface for a newer model that I don't have. Enough people use this library now that I think it's important to think about think about its future. I would be grateful to have people who are competent in python and have access to a JVC projector on board. If you're willing to help, submit a pull request implementing new features, fixing bugs or tidying up my terrible programming and documentation! If you'd like to make a donation to sponsor work on this project, you can [donate on ko-fi](, or [github sponsors](


This library is used by following software:

It can also be used standalone or in a Python script.

Command format

Read state

To read a property, use the JVCProjector.command(<command>) method.


Write state

To control the projector, use JVCProjector.command(<command>-<state>).


Supported commands

Description Command State
Power power Read: standby, lamp_on, cooling, reserved, emergency
Write: on, off
Lens Memory memory Read/Write: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Input input Read/Write: hdmi1, hdmi2
Picture Mode picture_mode film, cinema, natural, hdr10, thx, user1, user2, user3, user4, user5, user6, hlg, frame_adapt_hdr, hdr10p, pana_pq
Low Latency Mode low_latency Read/Write: on, off
Mask mask Read/Write: off, custom1, custom2, custom3
Lamp Setting lamp high, low, mid
Menu Buttons menu Write: menu, down, left, right, up, ok, back
Lens Aperture aperture Read/Write: off, auto1, auto2
Anamorphic Mode anamorphic Read/Write: off, a, b, c, d
Signal Status signal Read: no_signal, active_signal
Get Mac Address macaddr Read: returns mac address string
Model Info modelinfo Read: returns the model info string
Test Connection null Write: no write payload, used for testing connection

NOTE: Not all commands or states are supported by all models. You can easily tell by testing them on your JVC projector.


For the latest stable version,

$ python3 -m pip install jvc_projector_remote

If you want to install the latest unstable commits from this repo,

$ python3 -m pip install -e git+

Building from source

If you've made changes and want to install them, ensure you have hatch.

$ python3 -m pip install hatch

Run the build command from the root directory of this repository.

$ hatch build

Finally, you can install the package. Make sure the filename that you specify matches the one you want to install in the dist/ directory.

$ pip install dist/jvc_projector_remote-vX.X.X-py3-none-any.whl

The --force-reinstall flag will ensure that updated files are installed even if the version number of your build matches the pre-existing package.


For usage with Home Assistant, see here.

Below is an example for using this module standalone (see command format section for command strings):

>>> from jvc_projector_remote import JVCProjector

 # replace with your projector's local IP
>>> host = ""

# initialise (for models older than the NZ series)
>>> projector = JVCProjector(host, port=20554, delay_ms=600, connect_timeout=10, max_retries=10)

# initialise (alternate, with network password)
>>> projector = JVCProjector(host, password="MYPASSWORD", port=20554, delay_ms=600, connect_timeout=10, max_retries=10)

# power on, power off
>>> projector.power_on()
# check status once it's on
>>> projector.is_on()

>>> projector.power_off()
# check if it's off
>>> projector.is_on()

# Send arbitrary command
# see the command format section above
>>> projector.command("input-hdmi2")

Confirmed models

This module is confirmed to work for the models listed below. It should also work with projectors in the same series as the ones listed.

If you've confirmed functionality with a model that is unlisted, raise an issue or submit a pull request to have it added.

Adding new commands

Raise an issue or open a pull request. Add new commands to the Commands class. The format is documented in the docstring for the parent Command class.