bfabiszewski / kterm

gtk+ terminal emulator with embedded virtual keyboard for Kindle
GNU General Public License v3.0
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# kterm

This is a simple GTK+ terminal emulator with embedded virtual keyboard. It is based on VteTerminal library. Some initial settings may be defined in kterm.conf file. Keyboard layouts are defined in xml config files. The keyboard config files follow the same rules as matchbox keyboard configs (backward compatible with kterm 1.x which used embedded matchbox keyboard).

Kterm has been developed for Kindle Touch. It is reported to also work on Paperwhites. Generally it should work on any platform which supports GTK+, either version 2 or 3.

On Kindle menu pops up on two fingers tap in the terminal window. On other devices on right button mouse click.

Keyboard XML config \<nodes> and attributes:

Command line options:

$ ./kterm -h
Usage: kterm [OPTIONS]
        -c <0|1>      color scheme (0 light, 1 dark)
        -d            debug mode
        -e <command>  execute command in kterm
        -E <var>      set environment variable
        -f <family>   font family
        -h            show this message
        -k <0|1>      keyboard off/on
        -l <path>     keyboard layout config path
        -o <U|R|L>    screen orientation (up, right, left)
        -s <size>     font size
        -t <encoding> terminal encoding
        -u <B|I|U>    cursor shape (block, I-beam, underline)
        -v            print version and exit

For a list of what constitutes valid encodings, check this list or the list returned by iconv -l.


kterm reversed color scheme kterm hidden keyboard kterm landscape mode



