Language | Working? | Link |
MicroPython | Yes | |
Espruino | Yes | |
RIOT | Yes | |
RUST | WIP | |
PXT | WIP | |
Vagrant is a a program which manages virtual machines powered by virtualbox
Sure, you could download the files for the Operating System and install all the differnt packages yourself, or you could use these handy Vagrantfiles to setup the machines for you in a minimal amount of time.
If you would like to get the latest version of MicroPython, Espruino or RIOT on your micro:bit follow the guide below
vagrant plugin install vagrant-auto_network
and press entergit clone .
cd micropython
for MicroPython, cd Espruino
for Espruino and cd RIOT
for RIOT then press entervagrant up
and press enter127.0.0.1
in the port box type in 2222
like thislogin as:
type in vagrant
and press entervagrant@'s password:
type in vagrant
you will not be able to see the password as you type it but it is there. Press entercd /vagrant && ./