Here I Stand for Board Game Arena
Working spreadsheet
This is a rather complex game and so the initial design tried to make room for all of it with an complex design.
\svg - All tokens are currently just SVGs,
\tests - A goal was to decouple all logic from the database to allow for test driven development on a local machine, tests are here
\modules - The PHP and JS module system are heavily used, code is here
\css - SASS is compiled into the main CSS file as part of the build process
\js - Methods for showing Gamestate to client and setting clickables
\hereistand.js includes all other .js files and defines the setup method
\States.js called whenever a new state is entered/left. Adds methods from action.js to html-objects (using the onClick-method in game.js)
\Actions.js call takeAction method with string name of a hereistand.action.php method that should be ajax-called
\game.js bunch of uitl-functions?
\ Is this circular dependency realy neccesary? I fell it could be orderd better, but then again I havent even read all methods in there
\ maybe sort/praefix the files based on if they are used to setup the visuals (Board, Cards, Players, ?) or if they are to handle actions (game, States, Actions, ?)
\Core - A few base classes for the game
\Actions change DB as State
\Helpers - Utility classes, used elsewhere
\Managers - Database managers for various objects
\Models - Classes representing other game concepts
\Notifications - All notifications sent back to client
\States - Main logic for all state-based actions held here
\hereistand.action.php entry point for ajax calls. calls methods
\ act* methods call the modules/php/Core/Actions.php method of the same name
\Actions.php finaly actually does the action the user clicked on.
\Modules/php/Core/Maneger/Tokens.php TODO
Adding a new State:
TODO \Active player and remaining CP should be stored in DB to be recoverd after reload? \CP is global, so it already is in DB? Implement action for every fucking event. Including Scots raid.