bgmeulem / Luminet

This repo provides material for recreating the famous paper by Jean-Pierre Luminet (1979), simulating the first image of a Schwarzschild black hole.
MIT License
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animation astronomy astronomy-library blackhole plotting python relativity-simulator
# Luminet ![ci-badge]( ![coverage]( ![release]( ![stars-badge]( ![license]( This repo provides material for recreating the famous paper by Jean-Pierre Luminet (1979), simulating the first image of a black hole. This is done in Python 3.8
Picture gif


from black_hole import *

M = 1.

############ The Isoradial class ############
# Calculate single isoradial
ir = Isoradial(radius=30*M, incl=80 * np.pi / 180, bh_mass=M, order=0)
ir.plot_redshift()  # plot its redshifts along the line

############ The BlackHole class ############
bh = BlackHole(inclination=85, mass=M)

## Plot isoradial lines. Plotting 1 Isoradial is equivalent to the above method
bh.plot_isoradials([10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 30])

## Plot Isoredshift lines
bh.plot_isoredshifts(redshifts=[-.5, -.35, -.15, 0., .15, .25, .5, .75, 1.])
# This method fails for extreme inclinations i.e. edge-on and top-down

## Sample points on the accretion disk and plot them
# Plot isoredshift lines from the sampled points (useful for edge-on or top-down view, where the other method fails)

Latest updates:

24 February, 2022

20 May, 2022

4 June, 2022




[1] Luminet, J.-P., “Image of a spherical black hole with thin accretion disk.”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 75, pp. 228–235, 1979.

[2] J.-P. Luminet, “An Illustrated History of Black Hole Imaging : Personal Recollections (1972-2002).” arXiv, 2019. doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.1902.11196.