llgal is an easy and fast on-line gallery generator based on iGal. Its primary goal is to NOT require any boring useless expensive feature in your webserver, such as PHP, JavaScript, SQL, ...
Thus, llgal generates static web-pages.
You don't care about this if you use Debian or Gentoo or any other distribution that includes prepackaged llgal versions.
Run 'make' followed by 'make install' as root. Both command-lines must use the same variables for configuring installation paths.
By default, everything is installed in /usr/local/. Most directories might be changed by overriding their default values on the command-line. For instance, a traditional installation (binary in /usr/bin, data in /usr/share, and configuration in /etc) might be achieved with:
$ make PREFIX=/usr SYSCONFDIR=/etc MANDIR=/usr/share/man LOCALEDIR=/usr/share/locale $ make install PREFIX=/usr SYSCONFDIR=/etc MANDIR=/usr/share/man LOCALEDIR=/usr/share/locale
If you don't want or can't install as root, you may use
$ make PREFIX=/home/login/where/you/want $ make install PREFIX=/home/login/where/you/want
Note that 'make uninstall' (with same options) allows to uninstall.
llgal requires perl and imagemagick packages. The following perl libraries are also needed:
Additionally, some options (--cc, --ct and --exfi) require the following library to extract tags from images:
If you need to install these libraries by yourself, you may for instance find them on CPAN:
If you experience any problem,
please see http://bgoglin.free.fr/llgal
or report to