bgribble / mfp

Music For Programmers, a graphical patching language
GNU General Public License v2.0
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jack midi music puredata python

MFP -- music for programmers

MFP is an environment for visually composing computer programs, with an emphasis on music and real-time audio synthesis and analysis. It's very much inspired by Miller Puckette's Pure Data (pd) and MAX/MSP, with a bit of LabView and TouchOSC for good measure.

Development of MFP has been ambling along at a part-time pace for several years now. It's by no means "1.0" but definitely there's enough there that I use it in my own music-making. As of now it's pretty much a solo project but I welcome any feedback, questions, or pull requests.

What's happening now? I have started working on MFP again and I have a few projects that I want to work on.

Recent progress:

Up next:

This release (0.7) is the last release that will exclusively support Gtk/Clutter for the UI. I plan to branch immediately after the release and start working on the Dear ImGUI port; Clutter is too bitrotted to keep using it.





mfp -h for a command line arguments summary.
mfp --help-builtins lists the name and tooltip of every builtin object.

Hello, world: Follow these steps to create a helloworld patch using just the keyboard. You do need a pointer to activate it.

You type What happens
a Autoplace mode. A + appears where the next object will go
m Create message (literal data)
"hello world" RET Put the string "hello, world" in the message
c Connect mode (will connect selected object to something)
a Autoplace mode again
p Create a processor
print RET Make it a [print] processor
RET Make the connection
ESC Enter Operate major mode

Now click on the message box to send the "hello, world" string.

Below the patch editing area, in the "Log" tab, you will see the message appear.

At any time, the "Keybindings" tab to the left of the patch editing area will show you all the active key bindings. Bindings nearer the top are chosen first, so if there are 2 listings for RET for instance the top one will be used.

If you hover the mouse over any object, a tooltip with some documentation will appear at the top of the canvas area. Hold down SHIFT to expand the tooltip to show current information about the object, including assigned MIDI and OSC controllers.


There are a number of bugs that I hoped to get fixed by this release (0.7) but have not. Here are some that I will just have to ask for your patience with:

Ticket Description
#299 If JACK isn't running and can't be started, launch fails ugly
#298 Occasional retry loop on quit
#297 Bad behavior on abort of file load
#292 In larger patches, selection and interaction may get messed up
#291 When editing a label, the cursor disappears
#204 Logging is broken when loaded as LV2 plugin
#212 Rendering of smooth curves on XY plot shows gaps
#220 'waf install' can give error messages. Workaround: See the bottom of; possibly no action is required.

See the tickets in GitHub for detail on what I know about these problems, and for other potential workarounds.


There's some documentation in the doc/ directory of this repository.

LAC 2013 paper: This paper (doc/lac2013/lac2013.pdf) gives a high-level overview of what MFP is all about and a bit of discussion about what it can do.

README files: There are some READMEs in doc which may be useful if you want to know more about how MFP works. Especially note README.lv2 which describes how MFP patches can be saved as LV2 plugins and loaded into an LV2 host.

Tutorial: The file "tutorial.mfp" is a basic intro to getting around the program.

$ mfp doc/tutorial.mfp

It's not very complete, but it does cover a few basics about how to create, close, and open files and make simple patches. It also covers "patching patterns" for things like iteration, conditionals, etc.

Demo patches: There are a few demo patches in doc/.

If your $PWD is in the doc/ directory, just run the demo patch by putting the file name on the command line, i.e.

$ mfp hello_world.mfp

To run it from elsewhere, use the "-p" option to add the doc directory to your MFP searchpath. For example, from the top-level src directory,

$ mfp -p doc hello_world.mfp

hello_world.mfp: The classic

simple_synth.mfp: A very basic MIDI-controlled synthesizer showing how to use MIDI note data and convert it to signal output. Requires an external source of MIDI events, such as a keyboard or virtual keyboard, connected to the MFP app on its ALSA sequencer input.

biquad_designer.mfp: Click the "calculate" button to compute biquad coefficients and audition them with a noise input source (I run this into JAAA to check my calculations). PGDN to shift to the Graphs layer with pole/zero and analytical frequency response. You need to add doc/ to the patch search path for this to load (it uses the "quadratic.mfp" patch). From the directory holding this README:

$ mfp -p doc doc/biquad_designer.mfp

oscope.mfp: Demo of the signal<-->control level bridge provided by numpy and the buffer~ object. A very basic oscilloscope.

looper.mfp: A simple overdubbing loop sampler inspired by the Akai Headrush, also built around a [buffer~].

monomix.mfp: A demonstration of how to make a vanilla user patch with variable numbers of inputs, determined by an init argument. For example, [monomix 4] makes a mixer with 4 signal inputs, 4 sliders, and 1 signal output. This makes use of the @clonescope method and the concept of hygienic layer copying.

togglegrid.mfp: Another demonstration of dynamic patch creation, this time featuring the "grid=" argument to @clonescope which allows dynamically-generated user interface elements to be created with some level of control over placement.

smix.mfp: A multichannel stereo mixer with panning and variable numbers of channels and aux sends per channel. A more sophisticated version of monomix, using dynamic connections between objects as well as scope cloning

roll_test.mfp: Demonstrates the "roll" mode of the XY scatter plotter, a smooth-scrolling capture mode useful for monitoring values that are changing slowly over time

My patches: There is a growing collection of patches that I use in the repository bgribble/mfp-patches including:


There's no UI for saving yet, but there is a key mapping. C-s (control-s) will prompt for a file to save in. There's no checking for overwrite, and the file is saved in the process working directory.


I'm using the GitHub hosted issue tracker. It seems to be pretty workable.


Bill Gribble