bgultekin / laravel4-datatables-package

Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
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If you have issues please try and fix them and we will pull the changes if we can verify they work. That being said this project lacks automatic testing so it has become a difficult project to maintain. Please let us know if you are interested in adopting and maintaining this project, it is still pretty useful. 60% of the time, it works every time.

Datatables Bundle for Laravel 4


This bundle is created to handle the server-side processing of the DataTables Jquery Plugin ( by using Eloquent ORM or Fluent Query Builder.

Feature Overview


Require bllim/datatables in composer.json and run composer update.

    "require": {
        "laravel/framework": "4.0.*",
        "bllim/datatables": "*"

Composer will download the package. After the package is downloaded, open app/config/app.php and add the service provider and alias as below:

'providers' => array(

'aliases' => array(
    'Datatables'      => 'Bllim\Datatables\Facade\Datatables',

Finally you need to publish a configuration file by running the following Artisan command.

$ php artisan config:publish bllim/datatables


It is very simple to use this bundle. Just create your own fluent query object or eloquent object without getting results (that means don't use get(), all() or similar methods) and give it to Datatables. You are free to use all Eloquent ORM and Fluent Query Builder features.

Some things you should know:


Example 1: Simple use

$posts = Post::select(array('','','posts.created_at','posts.status'));

return Datatables::of($posts)->make();

Example 2: Adding and editing columns

$place = Place::left_join('owner','places.author_id','=','')
   ->select(array('','','places.created_at',' as ownername','places.status'));

return Datatables::of($place)
    ->add_column('operations', '<a href="{{ URL::route( \'\', array( \'edit\',$id )) }}">edit</a>
                    <a href="{{ URL::route( \'\', array( \'delete\',$id )) }}">delete</a>
    ->edit_column('status', '{{ $status ? 'Active' : 'Passive' }}')
    ->edit_column('ownername', function($row) {
        return "The author of this post is {$row->ownername}";

Notice: If you use double quotes while assigning the $content in an add_column or edit_column call, you should escape variables with a backslash (\) to prevent an error. For example:

edit_column('id', "{{ \$id }}") .

Example 3: Using filter_column

$clients = Client::select(array(
        DB::raw('CONCAT(Client.firstname," ",Client.lastname) as ClientName'),
        ' as LanguageName',
    ->leftJoin('Language', 'Client.Language_id', '=', '')
    ->where('isDeleted', '!=', '1');

return Datatables::of($clients)
        ->filter_column('id', 'where', '', '=', '$1')
        ->filter_column('code', 'where', 'Client.code', '=', DB::raw('UPPER($1)'))
        ->filter_column('LanguageName', 'whereIn', '', function($value) { return explode(',',$value); })
        ->filter_column('updated_at', 'whereBetween', 'Client.updated_at', function($value) { return explode(',',$value); }, 'and')
        ->edit_column('isActive', '@if($isActive) <span class="label label-success">Active</span> @else <span class="label label-danger">Inactive</span> @endif')

Notes on filter_column:

Usage: filter_column ( $column_name, $method, $param_1, $param_2, ..., $param_n )

Example 4: Returning an array of objects

$posts = Post::select(array('','','posts.created_at','posts.status'));

return Datatables::of($posts)->make(true);

This returns a JSON array with data like below:

data: {
        id: 12,
        name: 'Dummy Post',
        created_at: '1974-06-20 13:09:51'
        status: true
        id: 15,
        name: 'Test post please ignore',
        created_at: '1974-06-20 13:15:51',
        status: true

Example 5: DT_RowID, DT_RowClass and DT_RowData

$todo = ToDoList::select(array('','','todo.created_at','todo.status'));

return Datatables::of($todo)
    ->set_row_class('@if($status=="done") success @endif')

Example 6: Advanced usage of dataFullSupport

To better utilize dataTables mData (1.9), now (1.10) feature you may enable dataFullSupport by either setting it to true in the config file, or passing true to the second initialization argument Datatables::of($query, true)

Creating a table with a searchable and sortable joined table:

<table id="user-list"></table>
        "processing": true,
        "serverSide": true,
        "ajax": "/api/user/datatables",
        "order": [[1,'desc']],
        "columnDefs": [ { //this prevents errors if the data is null
            "targets": "_all",
            "defaultContent": ""
        } ],
        "columns": [
            //title will auto-generate th columns
            { "data" : "id",               "title" : "Id", "orderable": true, "searchable": false },
            { "data" : "profile.last_name","title" : "Name", "orderable": true, "searchable": true },
            { "data" : "username",         "title" : "Username", "orderable": true, "searchable": true },
            { "data" : "email",            "title" : "Email", "orderable": true, "searchable": true },
            { "data" : "created_date",     "title" : "Created", "orderable": true, "searchable": true },
$users = Models\User::select()->ModelJoin('profile');
        return $dataTables = Datatables::of($users)
            ->filter_column('profile.last_name','where',\DB::raw('CONCAT(profile.last_name,\' \',profile.first_name)'),'LIKE','$1')
            //for the blade template only the array data results is provided, it is `extracted` into the template
            ->edit_column('profile.last_name', '{{ $profile["first_name"]." ".$profile["last_name"] }}')
            ->edit_column('created_at', function($result_obj) {
                //in a callback, the Eloquent object is returned so carbon may be used
                return $result_obj->created_at->format('d/m/Y - h:ia');
            ->add_column('manage', '<a href="{{$id}}" >Edit</a>', 3)
            ->set_index_column('row-{{ $id }}')
//helper scope method in base Model class
    public function scopeModelJoin($query, $relation_name, $operator = '=', $type = 'left', $where = false) {
        $relation = $this->$relation_name();
        $table = $relation->getRelated()->getTable();
        $one = $relation->getQualifiedParentKeyName();
        $two = $relation->getForeignKey();

        if (empty($query->columns)) {

        //$join_alias = $table;
        $prefix = $query->getQuery()->getGrammar()->getTablePrefix();
        $join_alias = $relation_name;
        foreach (\Schema::getColumnListing($table) as $related_column) {
            $query->addSelect(\DB::raw("`$prefix$join_alias`.`$related_column` AS `$join_alias.$related_column`"));
        $two = str_replace($table . ".", $join_alias . ".", $two);
        return $query->join("$table AS $prefix$relation_name", $one, $operator, $two, $type, $where); //->with($relation_name);

Notes on

License: Licensed under the MIT License