bhaskarkhoraja / care-bridge

MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Care Bridge

A place where hire trusted Baby Sitters for your children and Family Care services



First clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd care-bridge

Install Dependency

  pnpm install

Account neededs

Github auth app: For github login Google project app: For google login Nodemailer: For email login UploadThing: For storing images in cloud Paypal developer account: For payment

Environment Variables

Before running the project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file in your root directory. For reference copy the content in .env.example.

Failing to setup database will cause the build process to fail.


Create database

  CREATE DATABASE care_bridge;

Seed data


Buildiing appliction

(If you face any build issue related to missing environment variable, please setup environment variable properly first.) Web (from root)

   cd apps/web
   pnpm run build

Server (from root)

   cd apps/server
   pnpm run build

Contract (from root)

   cd packages/api-contract
   pnpm run build

Running application

Web (from root)

   cd apps/web
   pnpm run start

Server (from root)

   cd apps/server
   pnpm run start:prod




You might have got the database with 2 users, you can register and alter the database to get admin access (user table, role column). Import the database and run the project