bhavinbdoshi / Om.Orchard.SocialMetaTags

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Version/Branch Info

Version 1.0 is available on Master Branch

Version 1.8 is available on Orchard.1.8.Version Branch (Stable)

Version 1.9 is available on Orchard.1.9.Version Branch (Stable)

Version 1.10 is available on Orchard.1.10.Version Branch (Stable)

Social Meta Tags - Orchard CMS Module

Content part for Social Meta Tags (Open Graph Tags for Facebook/Google/Pinterest/Linkedin and Twitter Card Tags)

Social Meta Tags Orchard Module allows content author to enter various Social Meta Tags inputs and then module renders meta tag output on the page.

It has 3 attachable content part which can be attached to Page or Blog or BlogPost.

1) Authorship Meta Tags Part

This Content part renders author=rel and author=pulisher tag which is useful in Google Search Results Page. Using these tags do require one time verification by Google.

2) Open Graph Meta Tags Part

Attaching this content part allows for basic Open Graph Meta Tags for Social Sharing on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest. It has support for og:type, og:title, og:image, og:url, og:description, og:locale, og:site_name and fb:admins.

3) Twitter Summary Card Meta Tags Part

Attaching this content part allows for meta tags for sharing on Twitter. This has support for twitter:card, twitter:title, twitter:description, twitter:image, twitter:creator, twitter:site. Using these tags require one time verification by Twitter.


Orchard Version Requirement: 1.8, 1.9 or 1.10

Use Orchard Gallery to install the module.

Demo Site Hosted on Windows Azure


Once module is successfully installed, under Settings -> Social Meta Tags to configure it.

Each tag can be enabled or required. Further few tags can be preset for all the content.

Showing below Open Graph Configuration:

alt tag

Attaching Parts to Page Module:

alt tag

Also for Open Graphs you can set Tokenized Default Values or standard values. This can be set when Part is added to Page Content.

![alt tag]( Graphs Default Values.png)

Note: If you are using tokenized default values, make sure you don't set them required in Configuration else you will see required value error.


Tags Input Screen for each content part

Google Authorship alt tag

Open Graph Tags alt tag

Twitter Summary cards Tags alt tag

Output Tags Renderd alt tag

Tags Documenation & Verification Links