bhofmei / jbplugin-methylation

JBrowse plugin for methylation related things
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jbrowse jbrowse-plugin methylation

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Methylation Plugin

This is a JBrowse plugin

This plugin is to be used with whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data, tet-assisted bisulfite sequencing (TAB-seq) and/or SMRT to detect base modifications. Unlike almost all other browsers, this plugin allows you to see all methylation contexts on one track.

This plugin is color-blind friendly!

JBrowse compatibility


For JBrowse v1.11.6+ in the JBrowse/plugins folder, type:
git clone MethylationPlugin


downloaded the latest release version at releases.
Unzip the downloaded folder, place in JBrowse/plugins, and rename the folder MethylationPlugin


Note: For JBrowse v1.13+, you MUST use JBrowse v1.x.x-dev and run after activating the plugin.


Add this to jbrowse.conf under [GENERAL]:

[ plugins.MethylationPlugin ]
location = plugins/MethylationPlugin

If that doesn't work, add this to jbrowse_conf.json:

"plugins" : {
    "MethylationPlugin" : { "location" : "plugins/MethylationPlugin" }


NOTE: The plugin location folder can be named differently, i.e. jbplugin-methylation, but the plugin ID MUST be MethylationPlugin for the plugin to work correctly.


The plugin location folder MUST be named MethylationPlugin. When specifying location, you must use the absolute path to the plugin directory.

To pre-load the plugin for a dataset, add to tracks.conf for the dataset then open the data directory.

location = full-path-to-plugin/MethylationPlugin

Or pre-load the plugin in trackList.json

"plugins" : {
  "MethylationPlugin" : {
    "location" : "full-path-to-plugin/MethylationPlugin" 

You can also load the plugin after opening a data directory using the "Genome" -> "Open plugin" from the menu bar.


Sample data is included in the plugin to test that the plugin is working properly. With URL as the URL path to the JBrowse instance, navigate a web browser to URL/index.html?data=plugins/MethylationPlugin/test/data.

Demo image

Plugin Configuration Options

Plugin defaults are designed for WGBS (5mC) of plant data.

Additional plugin configurations support

  1. animal-vs-plant sequence context color schemes
  2. Extended base modifications 4mC and 6mA from SMRT

Animal-specific coloring

While the plant world likes methylation broken into CG, CHG, and CHH, the animal world prefers CG and CH. For those only interested in CG, ignore this and be sure to specify only the CG context in the configuration (see track configuration options below).

The default (and suggested) colors are:

Using the animal coloring scheme is enforced hierarchically. Configurations specified at a higher level overpower lower-level specification. If not specified at a specific level, inherits the setting of the level below.

level location general config syntax plugin config syntax
highest individual track config isAnimal=true
tracks.conf [general]
jbrowse.conf [general]
lowest default isAnimal=false

Note that toolbar buttons are defined by tracks.conf and jbrowse.conf.

These can also be set in trackList.json and jbrowse_conf.json using JSON sytanx. Specify in tracks.conf OR trackList.json, NOT BOTH. Specifiy in jbrowse.conf OR jbrowse_conf.json, NOT BOTH.

If plugin is activated in jbrowse.conf, do not set configuration in jbrowse_conf.json and visa-versa. Similarly with tracks.conf and trackList.json.

Extended base modifications

SMRT is able to detect m4C and m6A at single base resolution. Additionally, TAB-seq can detect 5hmC. However both are expensive and uncommon, so visualization 4mC, 5hmC, and/or 6mA is turned off by default.

When used, these contexts are additional colored

To turn on support for all species, change the plugin configuration in jbrowse.conf or jbrowse_conf.json (but not both).

In jbrowse.conf,

extendedModifications = true

To turn on/off support for a single species/dataset, change the plugin configuration in tracks.conf or trackList.json (but not both).

In tracks.conf,

extendedModifications = true

Using Methylation Tracks

This documentation is for version 3. Versions 1 and 2 are still supported, but not recommended for use. For information about using version 1 and/or 2, see Previous Versions

File Conversion

Use the conversion program appropriate to your input file type. bedGraphToBigWig and bedSort (programs from UCSC) must be on your path. See details below for acquiring these programs.

allC Files

Usage:  python3 [-keep] [-sort] [-L=labels] [-o=out_id]
        [-c=base_mod] [-p=num_proc] <chrm_sizes>  <allC_file> [allC_file]*

chrm_file     tab-delimited file with chromosome names and lengths,
              i.e. fasta index file
allc_file     allc file with all chrms and contexts

-keep         keep intermediate files
-sort         calls bedSort; add this option if bigwig conversion fails
-L=labels     comma-separated list of labels to use for the allC files;
              [default uses information from the allc file name]
-o=out_id     optional identifier to be added to the output file names [default none]
-c=base_mod   base modification for file extension; single modification for
              Call input files, i.e. 5hmC; overrides default G,CHG,CHH output
-p=num_proc   number of processors to use [default 1]
For 5mC
For 5hmC


Usage:  python3 [-keep] [-sort] [-L=labels] [-o=out_id]
        [-p=num_proc] <chrm_sizes>  <bismark_file> [bismark_file]*
chrm_file     tab-delimited file with chromosome names and lengths,
              i.e. fasta index file
allc_file     bismark file with all chrms and contexts

-keep         keep intermediate files
-sort         calls bedSort; add this option if bigwig conversion fails
-L=labels     comma-separated list of labels to use for the allC files;
              [default uses information from the allc file name]
-o=out_id     optional identifier to be added to the output file names [default none]
-p=num_proc   number of processors to use [default 1]

For each input allC files input.tsv, with default parameters, this will create three output files:,, and

To run Bismark files for 5hmC, contact me.

4mC and 6mA GFF Files

Usage:  python3 [-q] [-h] [-keep] [-sort] [-o=out_ids]
        [-p=num_proc] [-s=gff_search_term] <chrm_sizes> <gff_fille> [gff_file]*

chrm_file       tab-delimited file with chromosome names and lengths,
                i.e. fasta index file
gff_file        gff file with 4mC and/or 6mA positions on all chrms

-keep           keep intermediate files
-sort           calls bedSort; add this option if bigwig conversion fails
-s=gff_search   GFF attribute which has methylation level
                [default "frac"]
-o=out_id       optional ID for output files [default from input file name]
                if one ID specified, applied to all input GFFs
                comma-separated list IDs for multiple GFFs
-p=num_proc     number of processors to use [default 1]

For each GFF input.gff which contains both m4C and m6A, with default paramters, this will create and

JSON Track Specifications

Track specifications are very similar to those for XYPlots (see JBrowse tutorial for more information). The label, type, and urlTemplate must be specified.

urlTemplate is the path and filename up-to, but not including, the context-specific extension.

For example, for files path/, path/, and path/, use "urlTemplate" : "path/".

In trackList.json,

  "key" : "Wild Type Methylation",
  "label" : "track_wild_type_methylation",
  "storeClass" : "MethylationPlugin/Store/SeqFeature/MethylBigWig",
  "urlTemplate" : "path/",
  "type" : "MethylationPlugin/View/Track/Wiggle/MethylPlot",
  "methylatedOption" : true

Subset of contexts

By default, the plugin will search for CG, CHG, and CHH contexts. If there is not a file for each context, specify only the contexts needed.

 "contexts" : ["cg", "chh"]

Extended modifications (4mC, 5hmC, and 6mA)

4mC, 5hmC, and 6mA must be specified to be used. When used with 5mC (CG, CHG, CHH) methylation, all contexts must be specified and BigWig files for all extensions must exist.

 "contexts" : ["cg", "chg", "chh", "4mc", "5hmc", "6ma"]

Not all contexts need to be included. If only interested in 5mC and 5hmC, use ``"contexts" : ["cg", "chg", "chh", "5hmc"]```

Animal-vs-Plant coloring

To force animal sequence context coloring (CG and CH) for a track when plugin/species is not animal,

"isAnimal" : true

To force non-animal/plant sequence coloring (CG, CHG, CHH) for a track when plugin/species is animal,

"isAnimal" : false

See Animal-specific coloring for more details.

HTML-style Tracks

  "type" : "MethylationPlugin/View/Track/MethylHTMLPlot",
  "maxHeight": 100,

Additional Features

  1. Turn on/off a sequence context for a specific track using the track's dropdown menu.

  2. Turn on/off sequence contexts for all visible tracks

    A. Without extended modifications, use sequence specific buttons in the toolbar

    B. With extended modifications, use the methylation filter button in the toolbar to open a dialog

Getting bedGraphToBigWig and bedSort

Option 1: Download manually

Mac OSX 64-bit:
Linux 64-bit:
Older Linux/Linux server:

Option 2: Create symbolic links

Versions of bedGraphToBigWig and bedSort are included in the bin directory.

Based on the operating system, create symbolic links in the bin directory

For best results, add this directory to PATH in .bashrc or __.bash_profile__.