biasmv / pv

WebGL protein viewer
MIT License
315 stars 85 forks source link

pv - WebGL protein viewer

pv is a WebGL-based protein viewer whose goal is to once-for-all end the reign of Java applets on websites that require visualisation of protein structures. It's not you Java, it's all the annoying security popups and slow loading times. pv implements all major render modes that you would expect, and supports custom color schemes.

Because there is nothing worse than an unresponsive website, pv has been implemented with maximum performance in mind. Even very large macromolecules can be visualised at interactive framerates.

Project Status

This project is no longer maintained. I simply don't have the time to work on it anymore.

Trying it out

You can try the online demo or run it locally on your computer.

Clone this repository

git clone

Change to the pv directory and serve the files using the serve script in the source directory. This will start a simple static-file server using Python's SimpleHTTPServer module.

cd pv

Open a WebGL-enabled web browser and visit http://localhost:8000

Want to use PV on your website?

I would love you to! Most features you would expect from a protein viewer are already present and working. One considerations is important though:

Citing PV?

I'm planning on writing a small application note, but in the mean time, use the following DOI for citing PV in your work.



Contributions of any kind (bugfixes, documentation, new features, etc.) are more than welcome. Just file bugs or open a pull request. Before submitting pull requests, please make sure to follow these guide-lines.


PV uses the amazing gl-matrix JavaScript library for matrix and vector operations.

Thanks to @Traksewt, @kozmad, @greenify for their contributions


Documentation for pv is available here.


New since latest release

New in Version 1.8.1

New in Version 1.8.0

New in Version 1.7.2

New in Version 1.7.1

New in Version 1.7.0

New in Version 1.6.0

New in Version 1.5.0

New in Version 1.4.0

New in Version 1.3.1

New in Version 1.3

New in Version 1.2