biblesoapopera / client

experimental UI for the bible soap opera project (
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This is an experimental user interface for the bible soap opera project (

To view the user interface go to

Further docs in the docs directory.

developing the bso client

These instructions will install the client source code locally.

install required tools

The client development tools use node.js. You will need installed on your system. Check that node is installed correctly by typing these commands at your system command prompt:

Client source code is managed with git. You will need git installed on your system. On windows machines this is probably the easisest way to install git: Check that git is installed correctly by typing this command at the your system command prompt:

download the source

At your system command propmpt type:

>git clone

This will download the source and create a git repository in a new directory called client.

install dependencies

Change into the newly created client directory:

>cd client

Then type:

>npm install

This will use the node package manage to download all the third party libraries used by the bible soap opera client.



>node gulp.js

This will start the build tool (called gulp). The build tool will carry out the following tasks:


Point your browser to http://localhost:8080. You should see the client.


Open the /client/data/1/slide.json file in your favourite text editor.

Then save the edited file.

Your browser should automatically reload the client, and your changes should be visible.

Happy playing!

building distributable


>node gulp.js --dist

This will build compressed distributable files to /client/dist. These are the files placed in the gh-pages branch for serving at

making a contribution

Not surprisingly this project uses git to manage source code, and github pull requests to review changes.

If you make local changes to the client that you would like incorporated into the master repository, then follow this workflow:

You're done! Your pull request will appear on the issues page of ready for review, dissucssion and then merging.