biblichor / middleman-blog-bootstrap-template

A middleman-blog template that uses bootstrap, bootswatch, font-awesome with bower.
MIT License
33 stars 12 forks source link



Preview the sample image which is made in Bootswatch "flatly" theme.


  1. If you're just getting started, install the middleman gem and generate a new project:
  2. Download/clone to .middleman/blog-bootstrap:
  3. Create your new Middleman project with thie template:
  4. Install the assets in the bower_components/ directory.
gem install middleman
git clone ~/.middleman/blog-bootstrap
middleman init my_new_project --template=blog-bootstrap
cd my_new_project
bower install


Blog configuration

set :site_url, ''
set :site_author, 'Blog author'
set :site_title, 'Blog title'
set :site_subtitle, 'Blog subtitle'
# Select the theme from
# If false, you can get plain bootstrap style.
# set :theme_name, 'flatly'
set :theme_name, false
# set @analytics_account, like 'XX-12345678-9'
@analytics_account = false

Bower configuration

SCSS configuration

By default, bootstrap or bootswatch is installed. You can edit _settings.scss, _imports.scss as you like.


Confirmed in ruby 2.0.0p247, rubygem 2.0.3, middleman 3.2.2

Helpers configuration, etc.


This project is forked from headcanon's middleman-bower-template (Big thanks to headcanon).

All the problems or questions are welcome. And of cource if you have a better idea, give it a fork! Thanks!