bicarbon8 / todoTxtWebUi

A web UI to use with a todo.txt file
GNU General Public License v3.0
108 stars 21 forks source link

possible to access file directly? #35

Open chrisbeckstrom opened 6 years ago

chrisbeckstrom commented 6 years ago

What a great project, thanks for making this!

I have my todo.txt file stored on my server. It would be way more convenient if I could access the file directly using this UI. It looks like this UI only works if you load your todo file, edit it with the UI, then download.

Is there any way to have this UI directly access the todo.txt file with read/write access?

manjarco commented 5 years ago


ocdtrekkie commented 5 years ago

This could be easily packaged as a app if I could explicitly have it store to a local file in a specified directory or the like.

cwilliams5 commented 2 years ago

+1 I have a good todo.txt system with syncthing and windows/android clients. Just need a web based version to complete the ecosystem. One that detects the filesystem file has changed externally and reload or otherwise doesnt keep in memory and loads on demand for use.