@Created: 08/14/2012
@Author: Jason Holt Smith (bicarbon8@gmail.com)
A web UI to use with a todo.txt file. This project is an extention to the http://www.todotxt.com project providing a rich web user interface for interacting with one's todo.txt file. The requirements of this project are that it only use HTML, Javascript and CSS to accomplish all functionality in a Webkit compatible browser. There must be no back-end server code, no local executables and no browser plugins utilized in supporting the functionality of this project.
foldernpm install
npm i -g angular-cli
ng serve
save an open taskEsc
discard edits to an open task
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { MainComponent } from './main/main.component';
const routes: Routes = [ ... { path: 'todoTxtWebUi', loadChildren: () => import('todoTxtWebUi/src/app/todo-txt-web-ui/todo-txt-web-ui.module').then((m) => m.TodoTxtWebUiModule) } ];
@NgModule({ imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)], exports: [RouterModule] }) export class AppRoutingModule { }
- within your running Angular application navigate to `http://your-app/todoTxtWebUi`
## NOTE:
- if you are tracking more than 1000 Tasks, the performance will start to degrade (~5 seconds per add / edit / delete operation)
- it is not recommended to track more than 5000 Tasks
- exporting your _todo-txt_ file will only include the currently visible tasks so exporting and re-importing can serve as a way of keeping the number of tracked tasks under control if you export when closed tasks are not visible
## Contributing to the Project:
- create a Fork of the repo in _GitHub_
- clone the code using `git clone https://github.com/<your-project-area>/todoTxtWebUi todoTxtWebUi` where `<your-project-area>` is replaced with the location of your Fork
- run `npm install` to install all dev dependencies
- build using `npm run build`
- test using `npm test:all`
- when you are happy with your changes and all tests pass, run `npm run build:prod` commit the generated `./docs` directory and submit a Pull Request back to the _master_ branch at `https://github.com/bicarbon8/todoTxtWebUi`