bicarbon8 / todoTxtWebUi

A web UI to use with a todo.txt file
GNU General Public License v3.0
108 stars 21 forks source link

drop-down filters in iOS and Android don't update on first selection (only after reselecting) #8

Closed bicarbon8 closed 9 years ago

bicarbon8 commented 12 years ago

when filtering by priority, projects and contexts on iOS and Android browsers (Safari, Chrome) the tasks don't update until you reselect the filter drop-down (at which point it updates correctly)


  1. open the index.html file through Safari or Chrome on iOS or Android
  2. import a todo.txt file on Android or create some representative tasks that contain valid priorities, projects and contexts
  3. click / tap on one of the filter drop-downs and select one of the items to be used as a filter
  4. select done or otherwise close the control

ACTUAL: the tasks are not filtered until you repeat steps 3 and 4

EXPECTED: the tasks are filtered appropriately

bicarbon8 commented 9 years ago

no longer valid as of 1b442be10d4e4df7545349810e1a41c1fe92a604