big-byte-theory / Lighthouse

An LLM catalog application project for HorizonX Consulting. Made for Digital Future's Hackathon week.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Cataloguing LLMs: Your Ultimate Market Guide

Team Introduction

Big Byte Theory

The Challenge

In regulated industries such as banking and pharmaceuticals, identifying suitable Large Language Models (LLMs) is a significant challenge. Businesses often struggle with determining which LLMs to consider and which to avoid. This issue is particularly pressing for market researchers, AI teams, and governance teams (including risk, tech, legal, and compliance) who need reliable information to make informed decisions. HorizonX Consultancy was looking for a team to create a centralized repository of LLM information, cataloging over 400 models currently on the market, to help provide crucial insights such as release dates, creators, number of parameters, training data, and any associated lawsuits.

Similar to how Crunchbase leads in private company data, Lighthouse aims to be the largest and most comprehensive LLM database, akin to the Stanford Database, offering invaluable data and analysis to guide users in selecting the most appropriate LLMs for their needs.

Key Features

Evaluation Methodology

Commercialization Strategy

Market Expansion and Roadmap

Tech Stack


Sources & Research


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


git clone the repo. cd frontend/ - for client-side of project cd backend/ - for backend side of project npm start - project start locally with locally hosted database npm run prod - run project in production linked to cloud database npm build - build dist files for the project (frontend)

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